looking for comments on movie poster???

Rock and Roll didn't save the world. She did.

Ooo, I'm so jealous I didn't come up with that one, jolly good show Mr "T"

Hey, I'm not sure I've got anything for the poster, but I've got and opening for a trailer


TWO BLOKES are standing outside a shop talking. CHRISTEEN walks by, but we only see the parts of her that guys are checking out.

Jesus Christ!

(I think you can see where this is going)

The same thing happens all the way down this Mall, guys checking her out and deleivering the "Jesus Christ!" line.

On the last one she turns and we see her face for the first time
No, actually, I'm his sister

It time for the second coming, but this time Christ sent his sister etc, etc

Oh, by the way. I liked the panties :blush:
Actually there's a scene in the film, where as a teenager she's having sex for the first time, and the guy she's with keeps moaning "oh, God." Her reaction is: "close."

OK...with much thanks to T Shipley (email me your full name, you deserve an end credit thanks, whether we use it in the final poster or not!)...here's the new design.

Any better? (And remember, this is only temp...for the prospectus and site, until the actress is cast...but we do want something fun and eye catching.)

(To quickly explain the green eyes - they're a huge part of her story.)

I miss the panties, but love the new tagline! (will e-mail you).

I definitely get a less exploitative sense from this poster. I think it gives more of sense that this is the story of the girl. While it's less visually stimulating, i think it could draw in a larger audience.
(To quickly explain the green eyes - they're a huge part of her story.)

Do explain (if you can divulge this) the green eyes thing, I've got green eyes and just want to know if I could be the annointed one (I mean it IS Paul Westerburg!!!!) :lol:

Seriously, Totally different impression with this rendition...Face from above, cloud like suggests an ethereal presence, faint text is nicely sublime, contrasting with punkish title text. (Is the work set during the hey-day of punk? If so, you might want to consider text colors of pink and green).

As a woman who would consider seeing your film...the cheesey cross poster would say to me...'sexploitation film for guys'...this poster says...'Joan of Arc may kick your a** for your sins'. I think something similar to this current image will invite a much wider audience. Would you rather have a heroine like a Ripley (with MASS appeal) or one with a transitory appeal (like a porn star)?

Oh, yeah...and Tom should get credit...that line imparts a cool sense of humor.
I like it! Her eyes sort of draw you in, and bring you to the "rock 'n roll" line, which is an *awesome* tagline!

I'm not too crazy about the "revised John 3:17" quote superimposed over her face; it's too busy and a bit distracting. I think you should lose it (unless you're totally in love with it). Simple works well in this case, especially with that tagline. People will remember it.

The green eyes are striking...almost electric, really. A very effective poster. Great job!
I am a Christian and yes the first image did get me a little miffed. BUT unlike many of my fellow believers I don't think I will be getting on a bus (I am also a redneck, MrBob) to protest this movie. I enjoy a good satire, and there was never an easier whipping post for satirists than Christianity.

Of course I like the second poster better because the conotations of the first were a bit much for my tatses.

I would warn you not to tout yourself as the left's version to The Passion because The Passion wasn't a left or right thing. I know many liberals and other such leftists that consider it the best film of last year. But then again, if you want controversy, seek it out in any way you can.

Poke said:
I would warn you not to tout yourself as the left's version to The Passion because The Passion wasn't a left or right thing. I know many liberals and other such leftists that consider it the best film of last year. But then again, if you want controversy, seek it out in any way you can.


I don't know of any liberal who thought of the film as anything but conservative propaganda....but that's a whole other argument.

(I'd personally rate it slightly below "White Girls" on artistic merit, but then again I'll admit to being blinded by Gibson's extremist anti-gay, anti-women beliefs...not to mention his dear old dad...I mean...I'd probably have issues with a film made by David Duke.)

The thing is, the message of my film/book is ultimately kindness...and it would be pretty damn hypocritical for any Christian to have a problem with that.

But then again...
MrBobTV said:
I like it! Her eyes sort of draw you in, and bring you to the "rock 'n roll" line, which is an *awesome* tagline!

I'm not too crazy about the "revised John 3:17" quote superimposed over her face; it's too busy and a bit distracting. I think you should lose it (unless you're totally in love with it). Simple works well in this case, especially with that tagline. People will remember it.

The green eyes are striking...almost electric, really. A very effective poster. Great job!

Thanks! I just leaned how to make those eyes green today.

Honestly, the John quote is there just to tweak nerves....to piss the right people off. (They aren't investing in this movie anyway.) Which, I guess, makes me in love with it. I already know how my "rewrite" of the New Testament played when the book was published...it should be even more popular now.

Remember the AFA link on the YouAreAlone.com site!
bird said:
Do explain (if you can divulge this) the green eyes thing, I've got green eyes and just want to know if I could be the annointed one (I mean it IS Paul Westerburg!!!!) :lol:

Thanks also for the kind words.

The green eyed thing is simply my obsession...sorry to disappoint.

And the power of her eyes, those large green eye, played a large part in the book.
YouAreAloneMOVIE said:
I don't know of any liberal who thought of the film as anything but conservative propaganda.

Flaming (non-Christian) liberal checking in.

I didn't see it that way at all.


But enough of that... all I know is that I cannot get my DVD of shorts, 'til someone checks their PMs. :cool:
Zensteve said:
Flaming (non-Christian) liberal checking in.

I didn't see it that way at all.


But enough of that... all I know is that I cannot get my DVD of shorts, 'til someone checks their PMs. :cool:

Like I said...I'm definitely blinded by Gibson's personal politics...

But I've honestly never talked to anyone who like the movie....of course, I've never really talked to anyone who took it seriously. The general consensus by the few who saw it (again, these are only people I've talked to) was that is was overlong and boring. And Gibson aside, I tend to agree. It was like the first 30 miunutes of Saving Private Ryan, a slasher/horror film in the guise of art. While Passion was a slasher/horror film in the guise of Biblical realism.

But that's why we all make films, love films...no one will ever agree on everything.

One of the most passionate agruments my wife and I have ever had was about THE COOK, THE THIEF, HIS WIFE, HER LOVER. We're still fighting over that movie a decade later.
I think this poster steps up to the plate. I like it! You have jumped out of the gutter and into the looking glass.

I've got to be up front with you. I am one who trusts Jesus with my life. And I like to see reasonable debate or the real meaning of argumentation. I can't stand all this shouting and chanting. It's like a bunch of children fighting over an kickball. Arrrrrgh!

Mike :)
Mike, thanks for the poster comments...

...and when I talked about THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST...I'm very specifically speaking about the movie and its director. I don't dislike Gibson because he believes in Christ. I dislike him for his anti-gay, anti-female beliefs. And that he never (at least publically) took his father to task for denying that there was a Holocaust. Those things go beyond religion to me, and to the very core of who he is as a human. And I don't in any way want to support that ideology, I don't care how talented he may or may not be.
Ah...I'm sorry Poke...I guess I meant those OTHER rednecks; you know, those intolerant, less-than-understanding, non-accepting-of-satirical-movies-about-their-saviour ones...no offense to you intended! If I slandered any of those rednecks who are tolerant and understanding (like yourself), you have my most sincere apologies.
Gorman, yeah I like the John 3:17 quote, and I think you should keep it in there somewhere if you want, but it's distracting the way it's superimposed over her face. Keep it and maybe find a way to incorporate it with greater impact.

Regarding TPOTC, I didn't really see it as conservative propaganda so much as a statement of Mel Gibson's fervent and disquieting personal beliefs. And while I find Gibson's personal politics repulsive for those same reasons you mentioned, I don't think he had a political agenda in mind with this movie, except as a Jesus-fan. Now, if George W. Bush had made that movie, THEN there'd be a political agenda (firestorms in Massachusetts; brimstone raining down on California; the French being turned into pillars of salt, etc.)

Somehow, I didn't get a feeling of love and forgiveness while watching that flick...I felt that if I was a Jesus-fan, I'd be really pissed at those guys who were really really mean to him. And much like those South Park kids, if I'd paid nine dollars to see it, I'd want my money back, too....but I snuck in, so I got to watch it without the pressure of having to feel I needed to enjoy it.

And yeah, if Jesus DOES exist, he's probably gonna be pretty damned upset with me for sneaking in, but then again...I'm sure he's got LOTS worse things he can fault me with.

Besides, I snuck in after wasting money watching "Jersey Girl"...hell, after that piece of crap, I was considering going over to Satan-worship.
I don't want to get into a debate about TPotC and deter the discussion. But I will say that I respect everyone's opinion of the movie. Like I said, I know many libs that loved it, and some right wingers that didn't like it. You say all the libs you know didn't like it. Both of our examples are anecdotal, and the film's B.O. gross speaks for itself.

In the end, it's far too important a movie for me to getting into a raging argument over and diminish what it means to me.

Oh and Mr. Bob, no offense taken. I am wise to the sins of my southern redneck brethren.

Now about the poster:

I agree with Mr. Bob, the verse is distracting superimposed over the face like that. And the title and tag line font don't work for me. If you could find a font that more closely resembles handwriting I think that would work better.

You say the movie is about kindness. This is starting to remind me of Saved, which is about acceptance. Any similarities?

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Poke said:
You say the movie is about kindness. This is starting to remind me of Saved, which is about acceptance. Any similarities?


It has a similar tone. And I will say SAVED was one of my favorite films of last year. The moment when Jenna Malone stands in front of the tall Jesus, with her hands spread wide, and she mutters "f**k." was my single favorite film moment of the year. I cried, it was so perfect. (Seriously...my wife thought I was nuts.) And really...Mandy Moore was meaner than any of the girls in MEAN GIRLS. She rocked!

My version of Second Greatest is very close to the original book, except updated...where the book took place in 1988, the film takes place today. The book named names (Reagan, David Letterman, etc), for the film I'm fictionalizing a lot of that. It follows Christ's story in the Bible, but really modernizes it...and feminizes it. She becomes the "it" girl that every politican wants to have a photo taken with...but does anyone really take her seriously?

It's really just the story of someone coming to help, who ends up being crucified by the same people who claim to believe most in what she stands for.