looking for comments on movie poster???

Greetings...we're putting together the poster so we have a cover for the prospectus for our next film.

This is the first take...any comments?

What does the poster/text say to you?

Would love feedback.



What Were We Thinking Films, Inc. website
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Well, you just know *I* was going to have an opinion on this...

Here are the assumptions I've made about the projected film based solely on this image:

1)It's a parody on the *myth* of the 'Fall' and/or satire on Occidental belief systems.

2)It's a porn starring a bull-dyke, evangelist ( cross as phallus)


I like the idea (of course) of a female saviour, but the image sugggests she saves mankind through some sort of sexual redemption (which is sorta revolutionary), not quite the metaphysical questions the Christ dealt with.

I may be reading way too much into the image, but then you are asking a forum full of visual artists their opinion.
Hmmm...well she is your average sexually-active 20 year old...who just happens to be Christ's kid sister.

But she doesn't save the world through sex...

We want the poster to be fun...I think the quote will both piss people off and get across what the movie is about...

Perhaps the image is too bold???
If she was Christ's kid sister wouldn't she be closer to 2020 years old.

In which case all the yoga and situps really paid off.
clive said:
If she was Christ's kid sister wouldn't she be closer to 2020 years old.

In which case all the yoga and situps really paid off.

Supposedly with god anything is possible.

It's the second coming...in my story JC never aged beyond 33...you only age here on earth. (it's the stress that kills)


And actually she's more into Rolling Rock and rock n' roll than yoga...a girl's gotta have her priorities in line.
Bird's got a point. Maybe a less "phallic" connotation would help...perhaps a gold crucifix hanging over a young woman's cleavage with a lacey brassiere showing? And a nicely placed tattoo visible?

The image on the poster is somewhat worrisome to me...I remember how Catholic groups went crazy over "Dogma", even before the movie was completed! Once it was released, the notoriaty dissipated, but just the concept made these people go nuts. If you want to raise funding with the poster, maybe you should consider toning it down a bit. Don't worry, people will get the message.

How about an obviously female form in silouette in front of a stained glass window? Or a woman in the Pope's vestments? She'd look really cute in that giant hat. Maybe a naughty vicar's outfit would work.

Just some quick thoughts here...if you want more silly suggestions, let me know.

MrBobTV said:
Bird's got a point. Maybe a less "phallic" connotation would help...perhaps a gold crucifix hanging over a young woman's cleavage with a lacey brassiere showing? And a nicely placed tattoo visible?

The image on the poster is somewhat worrisome to me...I remember how Catholic groups went crazy over "Dogma", even before the movie was completed! Once it was released, the notoriaty dissipated, but just the concept made these people go nuts. If you want to raise funding with the poster, maybe you should consider toning it down a bit. Don't worry, people will get the message.

Thanks! I do like the gold crucifix idea.

But believe it or not...we're raising $$$ by pushing the controversy..."the left's answer to The Passion of the Christ!"

That the Christian groups go off the deep end is part of the plan.

I got a small taste of their hatred when the book was first published...but with the way things are now...I'm hoping for war.

Ultimately (regarding the book), they overlooked the fact that the message was "be kind."
How about an obviously female form in silouette in front of a stained glass window?

Actually, I think this idea of MrBob's is quite clever and fun. It kind of reminds me of the tongue-in-cheek titles of Bond movies. Not having a synopsis of your script, I'm not sure if it's a satire (betting money it is)or a straight-forward piece of drama. If satire, the stained glass idea sounds perfect.
Thing is...the shadows aren't working for me. Almost too dark.

The story is satire...but I want to play up the young, hip, sexiness of it...she's a fun god...someone who could actually make me believe. (And that's a miracle in itself.) She's not afraid of her own sexuality. She's not afraid of telling the Pope men have gotten it wrong for years, and God doesn't want to be misquoted anymore. She has no problem telling the President to "f" off when he pisses her off. But ultimately she's crucified.


And I appreciate the ideas...I'm not in love with the cross/red panties thing either...which is why I've tossed it up there for criticism. Though a friend suggested the biggest problem is the color of the panties, too hot, too sexual...that's an easy fix.

Will have to play in Photoshop after the Chris Rock show tonight.
Though a friend suggested the biggest problem is the color of the panties, too hot, too sexual...that's an easy fix.

Ahhhhhhhh...call me ignorant then, because I don't think the red panties are the source of contention...maybe that big ole b*ner/crucifex sticking out of them are. If the work is truly satire, I think you can afford to craft a more shrewd poster. This one smacks the viewer down with it's intention, you want to finesse them if it's satire. This is just my opinion as a viewer. i'm not sure why you think the stained glass idea is too dark...It wouldn't really be shadows but an opaque figure in front of a vibrant, colorful background, very high contrast.
bird said:
Ahhhhhhhh...call me ignorant then, because I don't think the red panties are the source of contention...maybe that big ole b*ner/crucifex sticking out of them are. If the work is truly satire, I think you can afford to craft a more shrewd poster. This one smacks the viewer down with it's intention, you want to finesse them if it's satire. This is just my opinion as a viewer. i'm not sure why you think the stained glass idea is too dark...It wouldn't really be shadows but an opaque figure in front of a vibrant, colorful background, very high contrast.

Ok...I think I misunderstood your original description...I will play with that as well.

But you're right, mine is not working, for a number of reasons.

This is also a temp poster...until the lead is eventually cast...but I need some artwork for now.

Thanks for the ideas!
I like the poster. This the girl who sleeps with Westerburg?

How about this for a tag line:

Rock and Roll didn't save the world. She did.
Gorman, I'm glad you liked the ideas. Based on what I know of the story, I think the controversy is gonna find you regardless of the poster...remember, we're living in "Jesusland" now; my president SAYS SO, dammit!

While "Dogma" got some Catholics pissed off seven years ago and they went and annoyed Kevin Smith, be aware that nowadays the religious climate is very, VERY different...you might get busloads of redneck Baptists showing up on your doorstep with pitchforks and torches once word gets out on your new picture. Tolerance is a luxury that this nation doesn't seem to have in excess these days. Remember, we're only 300 years away from burning witches here in New England. Anyone who doesn't seem to support Christianity run the risk of an accusation of being against it.

That being said, it's more important than ever that you make this movie. And I think it's a terrific idea that she gets crucified at the end...any other ending wouldn't ring true. If Jesus suddenly appeared today and began acting like he supposedly did 2,005 years ago, there's no doubt in my mind he'd be arrested, tried, convicted as a terrorist and an enemy combatant, and probably end up lobotomized in an asylum for the criminally insane, like Nicholson in "Cuckoo's Nest".

Another poster idea...show her rear from waist height, with low rider jeans and a thong strap showing, with a Celtic cross tatooed at the base of her spine. I dunno, tats and underwear do it for me, I guess! LOL!
MrBobTV said:
Gorman, I'm glad you liked the ideas. Based on what I know of the story, I think the controversy is gonna find you regardless of the poster...remember, we're living in "Jesusland" now; my president SAYS SO, dammit!

While "Dogma" got some Catholics pissed off seven years ago and they went and annoyed Kevin Smith, be aware that nowadays the religious climate is very, VERY different...you might get busloads of redneck Baptists showing up on your doorstep with pitchforks and torches once word gets out on your new picture. Tolerance is a luxury that this nation doesn't seem to have in excess these days. Remember, we're only 300 years away from burning witches here in New England. Anyone who doesn't seem to support Christianity run the risk of an accusation of being against it.

That being said, it's more important than ever that you make this movie. And I think it's a terrific idea that she gets crucified at the end...any other ending wouldn't ring true. If Jesus suddenly appeared today and began acting like he supposedly did 2,005 years ago, there's no doubt in my mind he'd be arrested, tried, convicted as a terrorist and an enemy combatant, and probably end up lobotomized in an asylum for the criminally insane, like Nicholson in "Cuckoo's Nest".

Another poster idea...show her rear from waist height, with low rider jeans and a thong strap showing, with a Celtic cross tatooed at the base of her spine. I dunno, tats and underwear do it for me, I guess! LOL!

Yes, I know it's very different...and I agree, if ever there were a time for this film, it is now.

And I do have to also agree...tattoos on backs, low rider jeans, and that blessed thong strap...yep, works for me too!

Which leads me to my wife (who has a great big back tattoo of an angel dropping stars from her hands) calling saying she wants me to watch Joan Rivers with her...

The things we do for love!

We'll continue this tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone for all the great comments and ideas!

It depends on what you are trying to convey.

Do you want to focus on sexuality possibly porn ? If so I think you have it.

I have been looking at the visual lines and attitude of the poster and they all point to the models sexuality. The cross is totaly phallic. Even her thumb could be construed as being phallic although that is reaching. But the unbuttoned jeans the angle of here panties not to mention red lace ? all visual lines point to the same thing erotica.

If you are trying to create some kind of serious debate over the validity of the Christian belief I'm not sure this poster will get the serious attention you may be looking for. This might be dismissed as more of the same Christian bashing ?

Mike :)
The poster has been trashed...we're starting fresh.

Seriously, thanks again for the comments...I wasn't feeling completely right about it, but wasn't sure why...