Look at this Indiegogo campaign for the abused Bus Monitor

I was actually about to watch the original video, just a few minutes ago. But then I decided I didn't feel like being sad. So I went here, instead. Much better.

I'm glad she got her vacation money (and then some)! :)
My friend sent this to me before it blew up, and I could not get through the first 20 seconds of it.

I was literally on the verge of shedding tears.

However, there's something that's not being reported... I wont' name the community, but those kids were found very swiftly by a certain group of people and and the Bus Monitor definitely received some gifts from a lot of anonymous people before this IndieGogo ever came up.

There's a blurb from the police that basically says "Have patience with us while we choose the appropriate way to deal with their behavior"

Good reason for them saying that, cause I'm sure they've had to actually monitor those kids' safety.

You don't do cruel things and post them online... You will be found.
Don't really see the harm in mentioning 4chan's "activism" on the issue.

I don't personally agree with the lengths they've gone to in outing these kids' identities, after all, we all do stupid and often hurtful things when we're stupid kids. (Even the bus monitor said she didn't think the kids were bad 'deep down')

On the other hand, they were the ones who really brought this to the world's attention, so you gotta give them props for that.

One good piece of news is that the kids have apologized and it sounds pretty sincere. They learned their lesson. I doubt they'll be treating anyone like this anymore.
Yeah I saw this on the PDS.

Broke my heart to see the video but I think half a million dollars more than makes up for it. Don't you think?

Good for Karen. She's pretty much set for a while now.


Thank you for the link. :)