Home - A MindStudios Short Film
Okay... four effing weeks later... (I apologize for the delay)
Lettuce TECHNICALLY see what we got here:
After the quick flash stuff, the scene that begins @ 0:13 of the upside down bedroom - the contrast between the bright window + relatively dark room is a nightmare for digital cameras to deal with.
Our eyes are a hundred-fold more better than any camera.
Options include:
- Light the interior to bring it close to the outside brightness
- Block the window w/ drapes or something
- Completely blow out the window by slowing down the shutter speed (don't mess with the ISO) to get the interior (the majority of the scene's importance) well lit
- Wait until it's darker outside
- Recompose the scene.
"Morning, Honey" audio is horrible. In camera mic?
@ 1:10 that contrast is killing the shot, again. DON'T DO THAT! Gotta plan ahead better.
Also, are you using any sort of shoulder harness or rig to stabilize the hand-held camera work?
The L/R corner rocking like a steering wheel, minimal as it is, and especially on the swings from left to right, is not good.
@1:16 plan ahead for the lighting differences between the blue-ish natural daylight coming through the background window and the yellow-ish tungsten lighting in the kitchen.
Don't rely 100% on AWB (automatic white balance). You know there's going to be a difference. In the subsequent shot the AWB does a fine job dealing JUST WITH the tungsten light. So, in the previous shot you should set the camera's white balance to "tungsten" then just shot the scene with the natural light however it turned out - or planned the shot better without the lighting mix.
The images from the outside jogging scenes are great. THAT'S about as much lighting as your camera requires. When the sequence cuts back and forth between outside and inside the inside shots look terrible.
@ 2:36 if your editing program allows it, you should consider making the dark colors more black.
The musical audio is a few decibels too loud over the scene audio, which is fairly bleh in quality.
@3:16 again, the rocking camera (L/R corners like a steering wheel) looks horrible, and I know this is really technically tough to overcome, especially hand held, with or without some shoulder rig. I'd say it's impossible, actually. Consider trying to find a location where something like this could be shot from a car window while the subject jogs/moves. Also, the background/foreground contrast is f#cking up the whole shot.
@4:17- 4:26 watch the camera try to balance the lighting by beginning with increased gain at the beginning, @ 4:23 dropping the gain, @ 4:24 it goes dark then recovers. You gotta lock something down through these lighting changes. Shutter speed, ISO, or something. IDK what your camera is changing.
The hand held L/R rocking KILLLLLLLZ the next few shots.
6:36 Contrast. White balance.
FWIW, the film's a quarter into the story and isn't very interesting to me.
6:48 Audio is horrible. How are you collecting that?
Alright, something ain't right "at home." What? Is Mom a mannequin and Dad's nuttin' out?
7:14 Nice skewed shot, coupled with the opening shot it alludes more to the something's not right "at home."
8:11 Contrast.
8:22 Audio sux.
8:33 Okay, Mom's a vegetable. Maybe. Are those insect noises part of the live dialog recording or did you lay that in a skosh loud on a separate audio track? I suspect the former. If so, (and I also think you're using the in camera mic,
maybe even with an external add-on mic like a Rode VideoMic) you gotta get that mic off the [expletive] camera. At a minimum consider something like:
9:03 - 9:12 Ho-lee sh!t that increasing shoe crunching on crush&run is horrible! Natural or laid in audio track?
9:21 Cute. Predictable, but well done.
10:31 - 10:37 Gotta watch those contrast changes from the beginning to end of the shot. Either change the whole plan or lock that ISO.
10:49 - 10:50 The sprinkling of fall leaves was a bit over the top.
11:39 - 11:43 That shot was just horrid.
Alright, I'm halfway through the show and am punching out here.
I don't care how the story ends. Nothing personal. Not my cup of tea.
I think I've pointed out enough production technical items to overcome on further projects.
Hope this helps.