little imperfections

I'm irritated with my little annoying physical imperfections. My flat feet for instance, receeding hair line, slightly bent nose, a bad stomach. I wish I didn't have to take the medication for my stomach anymore!
Put it this way:
At least you HAVE a nose. I lost mine the other day and I think it fell down the toilet.
I tried sticking my arm down there, but all I found was feces and small aquatic fowl.
Your flat feet can be fixed, it's really uncomfortable, maybe even a little painful, but fixable. Go with your hair line, like Phil Collins, embrace the baldness, tell the women (or men if you prefer) to think of it as more face to kiss. Depending on which way the nose is bent just pick a fight in the pub with a guy who'll break it in the correct direction. Not sure what your stomach problem is but I hear they're doing wonderful things with transplant organs from pigs. :D
Don't worry about it Gavin, when you're a director you can be pig ugly and good looking people will still find you gorgeous.
do u think? is that what happens? I do think most girls are well shallow, but not on purpose. I think alot of them though are attracted to fame and wealth. I think its only natural. It's interesting when u look into nature and see the female on the prowl will always join the alpha male to reproduce.
That's right. All women are tools that men must use to do things they don't want to do... like laundry, dishes, sweeping... one second, my girlfriend is calling me...

Ah crap... I'll finish this post later, I have to go do the dishes.....
it's not so much that women are attracted to fame and/or wealth... rather they are attracted to strength, and power. It's a built in trait, something 'ma nature threw into their recipe. Watch the nature channel, or animal planet or whatever sometime, and you'll see what I mean.. Rams butting heads to fight over who gets the girl, it's really the same as a bar-fight if you think about it. Anyway, though they likely don't consciously think about it, the strength and power thing is definately an issue for most women, and there's really not many people with more strength or power on a film than the director, the director is the backbone of any good film, the nerve center, the life..

So, yeah, like clive said, just be a good director, and you'll be beating the women off with a stick, more or less.
I'm willing to admit that females are, probably, instinctually attracted to power/strength, but geezzzz, give us a little credit. We developed a reasoning brain right alongside MALES. I think it's safe to assume that many women love men with character, personality, and intelligence...or am I a freak of nature? :weird:
Just so everyone knows, I am not cheating on my wife.

My wife walked in and saw my response, she wants me to make it clear to everyone that she knows how to please a man.

bird said:
I'm willing to admit that females are, probably, instinctually attracted to power/strength, but geezzzz, give us a little credit. We developed a reasoning brain right alongside MALES. I think it's safe to assume that many women love men with character, personality, and intelligence...or am I a freak of nature? :weird:

That is assuming of course that males have indeed developed a reasoning brain.