Lighting kits!

Is it a good buy?
For making movies, no.

Not only are they cheaply made (they will fall apart after a
few uses) but as Gonzo said you will have no control at all
over the lights. If all you want to do is get an exposed image
this kit might work for a couple of projects. But you cannot
light a scene with this kit.
This is basically the kit I have, I use it all the time... you absolutely can light a movie with these, but make sure you have tons of flags and scrims to control the light... and give yourself an extra half to an hour of setup for each shot to give yourself the time to get the lighting where you want it with these.

You won't use the umbrellas and the 45w CFL bulbs in these things give horrible light...find a 1500 - 3000w tungsten setup (bunch of 500w fixtures)... you'll get much better images from it.
I bought 2 115w '550w equivalent' CLF lights with soft boxes of ebay and i cant fault them. the bulbs are CTB to 5500k and they give off enough light to fill a dark room. these are the first lights i bought and didn't know what to expect and i'm more than happy with them, but they do give a distinct style mainly soft, even and diffused light, while a 800w redhead would give off very harsh light, each light has its own purpose, my next stop is a set of 800w redheads with dimmers!
Consider this one. I just ordered it.

I've used others like it.
pro: cool light, so works great inside without you having to worry about fire and heat
con: Fall off is pretty quick. So unlike a a directional light, you need to be pretty close to the subject for ideal lighting conditions.

but I think for the price, it's pretty good. But my opinion is based on working with this type of light in a closed environment. It's not a professional opinion.

Edit: Here's a picture of the closed environment I'm talking about
Edit: So the lights you see there are lower wattage. I'm adding to the existing three. If it's a lot better, I'll sell off one of the existing ones.

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