I need to light at night in a farm. I'm hiring a lighting guy off craigslist, do you think it would be possible for him to pull off a night shoot with this kit?
2k blond w. barn doors & stand
2x 1k fresnel w. barn doors & stands
2x 650w fresnels w. barn doors & stands
2x 300w & 2x 150w fresnels, w barn doors & stands
4 C stands & flag kit
8 sandbags, 4 AC cords, gels, grip kit
The opening shot is a wide establishing shot of 2 kids in the back digging at a grave. Is this where I fall to apart?
2k blond w. barn doors & stand
2x 1k fresnel w. barn doors & stands
2x 650w fresnels w. barn doors & stands
2x 300w & 2x 150w fresnels, w barn doors & stands
4 C stands & flag kit
8 sandbags, 4 AC cords, gels, grip kit
The opening shot is a wide establishing shot of 2 kids in the back digging at a grave. Is this where I fall to apart?