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watch Letter from Lorca

My short film "Letter from Lorca," written to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the murder of Federico García Lorca on August 18th, 1936.

Written by Yours Truly, Directed by Gregory Torrillo of Sweet Edge Films.

A feature film, "Lorca" based on a script by myself and Jonathan Lu, is now in the funding stage.


May free artistic expression never die.

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Beautifully lit, shot, edited and acted.

What did you shoot this with??? Was all your talent local?

PLEASE! Send submit this to the Riverside Saginaw Film Festival. Submissions are free. I don't have any influence over the festival, nor would I try to interfere, but the people who committee this festival know good filmmaking and there are people in the area who should know that this is the level of quality coming out of mid-Michigan.

-- spinner :cool:
I will be watching this, but want to give it my undivided attention. I will be hooking up the MacBook to the TV monitor to watch it full screen on the sofa like a "real" film. :)
Daniel, SiCurious, Spinner, Steve, Flicker Pictures, many thanks!

Spinner, actually this was shot by Gregory Torrillo near L. A. The Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum to be precise. It was shot on the Red One.

The only thing that happened in Michigan was the project conception and the writing. Gregory and I are collaborating on several projects now, including the biopic feature on Lorca. The short is intended as a teaser and proof of bona fides for potential investors in the feature project.

Best to all!

Looks (and reads) fantastic. Really dark and brooding.

I also think the music is excellent but for some reason the sound 'A Message to you Rudy' was playing in my head the whole time (which Lorca substituting for Rudy)... ;)

Great job!
I will pay you the highest compliment and note that this short inspired me to find out more about Lorca and his work. Wonderful job, Charles!

BTW, are you Charles Musser of Yale University?
So sorry for the lateness in thanking you folks.

Joseph, Funkster, Nick, Bird, I appreciate very much that you've taken a look.

Bird, no, ce n'est pas moi! He's head of the Film Studies Department at Yale. I, on the other hand, am not.

