I wasn’t really sure when I posted the first comment that many people would wanna make a more in-depth team. (what this team would be is discussed above). But since there has been more talk of it on other pages of this site (talk of more collaboration, talk of possibly competitions, online “festivals” and changes come January) Im not sure anymore that there is a need to make a more project collaborating deeper team off site (if that’s gonna happen on this site in the future anyways) I guess we will just have to wait and see what changes come.
I guess this convo just raised some possibilities to if we can have (more) collaboration and more team working than we do currently. I mean Ofcourse as has been said there is some collaboration between people but there is always room for more.
-Online film comp on the site, winner decided by votes
-Pre-production competitions, planning and all
-Debates over cam gear
-Maybe certain pages stock full of film advice (which can be edited by people
and more

thats some of the stuff I wanted to do in an off site team but perhaps it will come to this site lol
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There's no "changes" coming. If we add a little voting comp, we will but not sure what you are expecting.
guess we will just have to wait and see what changes come.
Don't wait. Make something happen.
-Online film comp on the site, winner decided by votes
Start one. Start it right here. Set the rules, the deadlines and how voting works.
-Pre-production competitions, planning and all
I'm not sure how a pre-production competition would work. How
about you start one right here on indietalk. Explain the rules and
what each competitor does. I'm really curious.
-Debates over cam gear
We do that all the time here. Join in on one!
-Maybe certain pages stock full of film advice (which can be edited by people
We have that right here. Lots and lots of pages full of film advice. Okay, the
pages can't be edited by people, but anyone can add advice to them.
thats some of the stuff I wanted to do in an off site team but perhaps it will come to this site lol
Most of what you want is already here. What isn't here YOU should add.
Don't wait for someone else to put together something you want to
participate in; take control and do it. We'll jump in.

If you don't want to do it here then I would join up if you started your own
off site team. We could put up links here and get more people involved.
He can't see the forest for the trees.

Your right lol I realize now a lot of what I want is already on the site (except) for film competitions.
People already send links to their films here, a competition could be easily created which I may actually attempt if more are willing.
A post could be made asking who is making a film currently or who is going to and then we could organize a deadline with them about when to submit the films. The time leading up to the deadline everyone who has agreed to submit their film sends up their story, budget, concerns and film stuff and then we would help each other out with our films with ideas and advice, A friendly completion festival thing.
We’d be judging the films like they are judged in festivals.
-Production design
etc etc you guys get it.
We could rate each others films in these categories 1 to 100. I don’t know what awards there would be we could definetely leave reviews but actual awards would have to be from an admin but I don’t know about that. Also we could decide in the competition wether a film could do well in a festival and suggest some too. So perhaps this comp could lead to people getting their films successful too.

This could be a good website project and it would be a lot of fun. I guess if others wanna do it too we just have to spread the word of it and if a lot of people want it to happen then it’ll happen.
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Who knows, perhaps this idea is a bit too hasty

Well, you have my attention because I'm otherwise a person who is from the outside. I came here looking to collaborate or find someone looking for music who would like to use music I have already created. That said, I can see there's a lot of musicians here looking for collaborative opportunities so maybe I'm in the wrong place and it's already saturated, I don't know, but pretty much at a film festival two weeks ago I noticed there might be a niche for doing the music side of sound and I would like to figure out if there is and how to get in contact with folks interested in someone like me.
@GOLDENMORAL CINEMAS see you already have a composer! ;) As @directorik was hinting at... just DO IT! SAY you are forming a team. TELL US what kinds of films. LET US KNOW what team members you need. Conviction with a clear mission statement is important. This is more of a discussion. Try a new thread and see what happens! :)
Hey, it's the real world, it can be - and often is - brutal out there. Although those involved in the film making crafts often delve into fantasy it's our obligation as teachers to let the newbies know the reality of how truly hard the business can be.

I understand, but that is not as paramount as getting more conversations going and more traffic. If this site was designed as a hub for a few people to routinely guide, collab, and comment on things, then it is doing fine.

But I would say it does feel a little quiet other than those same 4-5 people who comment routinely. GOLDENMORAL is just pointing out the obvious with that.

But, the film competition should help with that for sure. After that, its a matter of keeping the audience that is attracted.
I'm going to say right now, that may not even happen. I'm not sure why you guys keep mentioning a film comp as some magic pill to make the site better for you. It sounds like you think, it will be announced and all of a sudden this site is what you need it for. This site is what you make of it. And don't expect anything "coming up" to change much.
I'm going to say right now, that may not even happen. I'm not sure why you guys keep mentioning a film comp as some magic pill to make the site better for you. This site is what you make of it. And don't expect anything "coming up" to change much.

So then nothing is planned for January? Alright @GOLDENMORAL CINEMAS, let's knock this out then. We can easily get this done. All it will take is three or four people to volunteer to help.

Does this site have private messaging?
Your right lol I realize now a lot of what I want is already on the site (except) for film competitions.
People already send links to their films here, a competition could be easily created which I may actually attempt if more are willing.
A post could be made asking who is making a film currently or who is going to and then we could organize a deadline with them about when to submit the films. The time leading up to the deadline everyone who has agreed to submit their film sends up their story, budget, concerns and film stuff and then we would help each other out with our films with ideas and advice, A friendly completion festival thing.
We’d be judging the films like they are judged in festivals.
-Production design
etc etc you guys get it.
We could rate each others films in these categories 1 to 100. I don’t know what awards there would be we could definetely leave reviews but actual awards would have to be from an admin but I don’t know about that. Also we could decide in the competition wether a film could do well in a festival and suggest some too. So perhaps this comp could lead to people getting their films successful too.

I sent you a DM.

Let's figure out the awards, keep it simple for now, and then we can make the first category/challenge and rules of the comp. Even if its ME vs. YOU for now, I am fine with that. We could launch it officially in January after we test it a bit.

If we can pull this off, I think it could just be another nice thing that IndieTalk provides filmmakers, rather than just a random thread. If not, it is still good fun.