Late to the party

Hello all. New here. I'm in my later 30's and never have used online forums to discuss my love of film and want to make them. Back in 2002 I did a short film that garnered me the Independent Spirit Award at the New York International Independent Film Festival. Not the biggest or most important festival around, but it was cool. The film was shot on Super16 and I had a 35mm blowup, which looked fantastic. Never have put it online because I despise the video transfer I have (was just a one-light) and don't really have the money to do it properly. At least, not at the moment. Would kill to be able to do a properly color timed HD transfer from the A B C reels.

Recently, after lots of writing on the projects of others and freelance stuff outside of film I have decided to get back to my first love and see what I can learn about ultra low budget modern film making, especially with the advent of HD cameras that do 24fps.

Oy oldest script that doesn't suck :D was optioned three times back in the late 90's and early 00's and so I have been re-working it for today, torturing my back with the old sit-in-a-chair-and-write-until-you-get-it-right routine. I'm getting there on that all to difficult first draft.

So I hope to talk with you all and maybe make some friends.

I am based in New York City.

Thanks for reading...

Cake...and BBQ! It's lunchtime lol

Welcome man, congrats on your awards. Now you need to buy an HD camera and get going on making more shorts! When your done post them and we'd love to give you some pointers and advice. :yes:

It's never late, your just fashionable!
These guys are handing out "Spirit Awards" now? :hmm:

Well, it was back in 2002, so no idea when they started. I just know I got it. The award is based upon audience reaction, from what I remember being told. At that time video shorts were the rage and no one was shooting on film. Since my short had been shot on Super16 and was being shown in 35mm, the screening was sold out.

The film received a standing-O, which really shocked me. I endured a week of sitting through one bad short film after another, watching the crowds either walk out, boo or hiss and was terrified of what would happen when it was my turn. Turns out it was the best night of my life.

However, that was eight years ago. I'm gung-ho to do it again or maybe even top it. But I need to get up to speed here.

Thanks all for the warm welcome. No cake. Sorry. ;)