Land of the Blind

A lot of you movie buffs might have already seen this. If you haven't, I recommend it. It has a little of

everything: Fahrenheit 451, 1984, etc. It adds the twist, that I haven't seen before (I think), of starting

with an unsatifactiry system, folowed by the revolution, and then the after math of that revolution. Most

film, opf this type, that I can think of, leave off at the beginning of the revolution. Anyway, to me it was an

interesting move, and you might enjoy it as well.
This was a refreshing movie to watch. The style, the dark humour which hit too close to the truth, Fiennes acting, everything.

A very good movie which has largely gone under the radar.

And filmmakers will love the satire on filmmaking. We've seen and know too many "talented" ppl like that.