Kickstarter movie campaign raises $1.6 million in less than 24 hours

Typical Kickstarter; "ships within the US only".

Thank goodness for sites like indiegogo, actually aware of the rest of the world. What a concept.

Typical Kickstarter; "ships within the US only".

Thank goodness for sites like indiegogo, actually aware of the rest of the world. What a concept.


I completely agree! A number of Kickstarter campaigns do include shipping to other countries with additional postage. I guess their biggest problem here was delivery method as they are distributing the backers version of the film through Netflix. Another stupid site that non americans have no access too.

But I do not understand Kickstarter not letting other countries start their own project, I have to turn to Indiegogo if I ever want to do crowdfunding. If it's to do with keeping the projects accountable they should at least open it up to other western countries like Australia, England, Canada. That's not to say that other countries aren't accountable, it's just the US has a lot of dealings with these countries already
[snip]...I have to turn to Indiegogo if I ever want to do crowdfunding....[snip]

And because of this, even after putting almost $2K into Kickstarter campaigns, I mostly just walk away now. I must admit though, there was one KS campaign I contributed to since discovering their "US only" policy; a giant poster of ViM shortcuts (yeah, I'm that guy... =)

IF it's something outstanding (and you're right, many offer the perk of paying more to ship elsewhere) I consider it. Otherwise, I'd rather give my money to a company that doesn't think RoW stands for "Give us your money and piss off". And yeah, funding a campaign gives kickstarter and indiegogo money as well as the campaign. I've lost out on a few things I might have liked from kickstarter, but I'm very pleased to see the phenomenal growth of indiegogo, and know it's not long before it is the preferred platform for this kind of crowd (as in all of us) funding.

However, in the spirit of the origins of this thread, 2MM+ is a remarkable achievement for an entire campaign, let alone a couple days.

I think we should all lobby Joss to crowdfund (on INDIEGOGO!!!) a Serenity sequel... (heck, I'd even let kickstarter take some of my money for that!)

Typical Kickstarter; "ships within the US only".

Thank goodness for sites like indiegogo, actually aware of the rest of the world. What a concept.

Having done a Kickstarter campaign, I can tell you that it is the choice of the initiator whether to make rewards available outside the U.S. or not. Has nothing to do with KS, per se.

I think the fact that many campaigns elect not to do it is less a matter of additional cost than a matter of additional time required. Filling out customs forms is a PITA -- imagine having to fill out several thousand of them for a big campaign!
I almost feel like they knew that it would blow up well over 2mil. Because something of this scale would surely have a higher budget than that

Not necessarily. A $2mil budget would likley be reported as a $20mil budget... there's a lot of spin that goes into the numbers when it comes to film budgets.. additionally, aside from maybe a huge expense for some actors, a goodly chunk of budget for those mega budget movies goes into marketing more than the actual production.

Additionally, it's entirely possible the budget is significantly higher, and the $2mil is enough to cover some office/staff pre-prod expenses and a 'completion bond' fee.

Of course this is all hypothetical since I didn't bother to look at the kickstarter page, because frankly I don't really care... ;)
there's a lot of people that the creators of the show and those surrounding the show would know who have pretty deep pockets.

The vast majority of donations were small. Only 1 $10,000 donation.

I'm really impressed, but more because it shows the dedication of a fanbase and more importantly that studio and network execs are morons who don't understand that the ratings numbers are an archaic and inaccurate method of determining the value of a show.
Exactly. The studio execs did not feel there was enough interest for Veronica Mars film. $2 million + raised within 24 hours is proof there is enough interest IMO. Good for them. I hope they succeed and do amazing things. Inspiration for all.
Someone should get in contact with Nathan Fillion or Joss Whedon. I am sure another Firefly movie would get lots of Attention.
Exactly. The studio execs did not feel there was enough interest for Veronica Mars film. $2 million + raised within 24 hours is proof there is enough interest IMO. Good for them.

The problem isn't necessarily that they didn't think there was enough interest - it's that 'enough' is relative. A good example of this is given in Amanda Palmer's Ted talk:

She had an album with a record company sell 25,000 copies - and they dropped her because it was considered a failure. She did an incredibly successful kickstarter for her next album that raised $1.2 million - from about 25,000 backers. Same size audience/market, but one's a huge success and the other is a failure - because for a big record company a million dollars isn't a significant amount of revenue, whereas for an individual artist it is. That's where the shift is occurring with things like crowdsourcing - it allows projects that just don't fit into these multi-billion dollar industries a chance to happen. And it's also a threat to the companies in those industries because their own scale makes it very difficult for them to take advantage of these tools.
Ha! That was my first thought when I heard about this too (and I would totally chip in money for more Firefly). Great quote though:

Because I'm too busy to deal with it, I did have a moment of just, Oh my god! I'm in trouble now. I've always said, "Yes, I'd love to do another one," and it's still true. But I sort of got slapped in the face with it. Or probably will.
WOW. Maybe this is a sign that anything is possible. If you find a strong fan base for a previous television show or movie you probably could have the same results as these guys had.