Typical Kickstarter; "ships within the US only".
Thank goodness for sites like indiegogo, actually aware of the rest of the world. What a concept.
[snip]...I have to turn to Indiegogo if I ever want to do crowdfunding....[snip]
Typical Kickstarter; "ships within the US only".
Thank goodness for sites like indiegogo, actually aware of the rest of the world. What a concept.
I almost feel like they knew that it would blow up well over 2mil. Because something of this scale would surely have a higher budget than that
there's a lot of people that the creators of the show and those surrounding the show would know who have pretty deep pockets.
Exactly. The studio execs did not feel there was enough interest for Veronica Mars film. $2 million + raised within 24 hours is proof there is enough interest IMO. Good for them.
Someone should get in contact with Nathan Fillion or Joss Whedon. I am sure another Firefly movie would get lots of Attention.
Someone should get in contact with Nathan Fillion or Joss Whedon. I am sure another Firefly movie would get lots of Attention.
Because I'm too busy to deal with it, I did have a moment of just, Oh my god! I'm in trouble now. I've always said, "Yes, I'd love to do another one," and it's still true. But I sort of got slapped in the face with it. Or probably will.
Three words:
Lost, the movie.