Just bought two books

Just bought The Guerilla Film Makers Handbook and Rebel Without a Crew from Amazon. I've heard great things about them from both people on here and friends working on films. They should be coming in a week or so, I'm excited!

Rebel Without A Crew is certainly interesting. I read this when I was just getting into film production and Rodriguez talks a lot about how important it is to do what you, as the filmmaker, feels is best, to just go make films. He talks about his own experiences and just gets the reader motivated and compelled to make something.

Also, a really good read just to learn about Rodriguez himself.
Definitely required reading. I don't know any filmmakers who don't have Rodriguez' book. I have the "Guerilla's" book as well.

-- spinner :cool:
I don't know any filmmakers who don't have Rodriguez' book.

I've never read it. :cool:

I'm sure it has all kinds of inspiring stuff in there, but it should be re-titled as:

"How I made a film for $7000 - and a studio spent $3,000,000 to make it watchable"

Maybe I'm just a bit cynical. :blush:

At any rate, another good book (light reading, really) is "What they don't teach you at film school", by Camille Landau & Tiara White. Mainly a bunch of anecdotes from a couple of filmmakers, and a lot of it is common sense - but it's a great book to keep nextto the lav. :cool:
I don't have it either. I don't really read books.
"How I made a film for $7000 - and a studio spent $3,000,000 to make it watchable"

It's really more like a few hundred thousand dollars, not millions as covered in the book. Plus, the only thing not mentioned in the book at all is how the original run time was 90 minutes, but it had TWO more dream sequences, each one reusing footage from the single dream sequence in the final theatrical cut.

I'm not the biggest RR fan these days, but I think that the final release version of the movie didn't differ much from his original cut. The biggest changes were in the sound mix and not in the picture or edit.

RR hasn't done anything before or since that compares to SIN CITY, but that's because his screenwriting is pretty awful and in that case, he had amazing source material and his directoral talents thrived with it.
I definitely find Rebel Without a Crew to bee a really inspiring book... My only beef with it is the effect I've seen it have on other film kids I know. One guy I knew from high school never used any crew, despite the fact there were like 4 of us who always wanted to help him. And cos he was doing everything else, he always waited till post to do audio. Problem: actors can be a lot flakier about doing ADR when there isn't a major studio underwriting it... :rolleyes: