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watch just a promo vid

Cool. Be sure to post your film so we can watch it.

Even though this is just to talk about your production, you still might want to white-balance a little better (if only to get used to doing it for your real videos).
Yup, it does take guts to do it. Well done!

Personally, i wouldnt say there was a twist even though you dont reveal it. Let it come as a total shock instead of letting us be prepared to expect the unexpected.
though.. take some more time on setting up your blog vids... find a nice background, a little tweak on lighting etc will make this much more interesting to watch.
I'll be interested to see how you address sexual abuse with only hinting, sounds really challenging. Hope you have some good actors. Be sure to post a link here when it's all finished.:)
Thanks for the comments :)

Yeah i know the lighting was awful! and you can see my duvet covers in the background haha.. i will deffo take your advice!

Also with the sexual abuse thing.. it's actually turned from being hinting to being completely uncomfortable.. Someone actually suggested that he should undo his belt and that's when i had to draw the line.
Oh my...

I wish you all the best for your project. There probably isn't any story more uncomfortable and difficult to tell. The only real input I could give you is: think about letting the eyes of your pro- and antagonist tell the meat of the story... "the window", remember?
