[Jun 5] What are you working on this week?

still need a daniel tosh type host.. girl from last week didn't work out when i interviewed her

I'm going to stand up comedy open mic night tonight and hopefully i find someone that fits
My next short! Taking the tips / feedback I received from my first project to shoot a horror idea I've had for a while.
Brainstorming several short films. Still saving up money for better equipment to livestream improv... might turn it into a podcast if it fails again.

Once I'm over this damn cold/AIDs that's been plaguing me for a long time, I'm going to shoot a short or two.
Brainstorming several short films. Still saving up money for better equipment to livestream improv... might turn it into a podcast if it fails again.

Once I'm over this damn cold/AIDs that's been plaguing me for a long time, I'm going to shoot a short or two.

Whats wrong with the facebook app and a smartphone? Whole movies have been shot with a smart phone.
Smartphone I have sucks. Just getting a decent webcam, then gonna try it on youtube live, then maybe twitch.

The improv has definitely become a side project for me, as I've rediscovered my love of filmmaking. I'm still glad I took like a year off to train in it. Writing and acting come so much easier now.

Maybe we'll try some live shows at the nearby college when we feel skilled enough.
If the weather finally clears up, I will be practicing with my new (2nd) drone, considering getting a DJI Ronin, and possibly ordering a pair of Blackmagic Ursa Minis (EF).
This week:
- editing another event video.
- marketing! Need to fill my agenda with work.
- do things for my short 'Koekjes'

Just got some very nice reactions on this event video:
(shot on C100mk2, partly on MoVI M5 except timelapse: stills on 70D.
Most won't understand that this is an award show for Rotterdam Business Woman of the Year. :P
But I like to show the opening of the video: a little experiment.)
Cool stuff!

I finished my script re-write recently for my next feature and this week at work I learned how to reconstruct the geometry of a scene in Nuke using point clouds
two weeks in a row i waited at that open mic night and never got on stage.
anyone with experience gets cut to the front of the queue.

it would be a lot easier for me to mingle with these comics if I could get a little spotlight!!!
two weeks in a row i waited at that open mic night and never got on stage.
anyone with experience gets cut to the front of the queue.

it would be a lot easier for me to mingle with these comics if I could get a little spotlight!!!

Open mics are tough. There's nothing worse than the anticipation before you finally get to the microphone. Especially at an open mic.
My first open mic, I was the only one that did stand-up. 1/3 of the audience laughed (mostly black women. Black women LOVE me, son!) 1/3 were confused, and 1/3 were pissed off at the sheer audacity of someone trying to be funny in the near vicinity of poetry and music.

The guy hosting it was super excited when I told him I wanted to try it. "Oh, great! Make fun of these whiny poets and terrible singers!"
Shitty week. Callback for two leads in a new netflix show. Didnt get it. Went to Producers for Shameless. Really wanted that. Didnt get it. Although that session was in front of John Wells so maybe I'll see something out of it in the future? Read for one of the 3 leads (two others have been cast) in Chaos Walking. Up for a lead in a Sag Ultra low to play twins. They loved one of my reads for one twin and wasn't feeling it for the other twin. So they did ask me to reread for that twin and to put something on tape. My parents did send me groceries so that was a win.
these next coming weeks is exciting for me.

1. shooting my biggest and most complex short film yet next week saturday, complex in the fact it is dialogue heavy and requires my artistic talent to make it different.. I have Gorillaonabike helping so I know I will have a good standing.

2. My normal job is going down the pan, I was promoted however I have decided to step down after only a short while because I realised it was taking me away from film, in contrast to this I have decided to take a shot at making showreels for actors, when I saw the costs I realised I could make a very decent living if I did this thing well.. so im gonna take a shot at it.

3. tomorrow I buy the costume for my short film, going for the late 80's early 90's look.. hope I can pull it off.