Jim Carrey's Messgae to Emma Stone

For the record, I like both Jim Carrey and Emma Stone. A lot, actually. They are definitely two of my favorites.

And this is definitely a joke (the fake crying at the end should make that obvious).
A.) How can you not know who Emma Stone is?

B.) How can you not realise this is a joke?

C.) How can this not be butter?

C made me :lol:

It's not like I'd never heard of her, I know there is an actor out there named Emma Stone. But I just don't know what she's been in or what she looks like. I googled to see if I recognized her from any movies I've seen, but nope.
I think Emma's an ok actress. I wouldn't call her bad, especially not on the level of Jim "The Overactor" Carrey. Her appeal though is more a certain je ne sais quoi attractiveness that sets her apart from others of her ilk. Personally, I wouldn't kick her out of the bungalow for eating chips in bed. And let's face it, that's all she really needs to be successful in Hollywood.
I fully understand Jim Carrey's position on this. Emma Stone is at the top of my list. I've never met her, but if I ever did, I wouldn't let the fact that I'm 41 stop me from trying to hit that.
Who wouldn't like to date/have sex with Emma Stone?

For that matter, Zooey Deschenel, Rachel McAdams, Mischa Barton, Erica Christensen, Lauren Graham, Alexis Bledel, Courtney Cox, Kate Winslet, Betty White and the two girls that sit across from me at work?