It's time to get sign-up, we're looking thin...

Having not in a long time, i peered to the side of the Indietalk homepage, to see that our "Members online" count was distinctly below that of our "Guest viewers". A regular occurence perhaps, yet i couldn't help but be disheartened by the margin.

Members online - 48
Guests online - 408

So, here's to hoping that the margin decreases over the next year! :cheers:

Sign-up, we're not so bad...are we?

Is the website bad? No. The website has a lot of potential and can be very helpful. There are some members on this board that seem to be extremely unhelpful when it comes to the questions being asked by others on the board.

I work as a gaffer for a living. I pay my mortgage, cable, car payment, etc. all by working on film/video productions. I am employed by myself only. I have several clients that call me because of what I know and can do on a shoot. I have been around all types of cameras, lighting equipment, and sets. When there is a question brought up about something I know for a fact and give my opinion about, there are other members, that work at Best Buy for a living who only do this as a hobby, who just seem the need to type their point no matter how wrong they are.

What drive do I have to come back to Opinions are great, it gets things moving and I certainly don't know everything about everything. But to see a college sophomore try to put me in my place, when I know what I am talking about is ridiculous. Even I know to shut my mouth when a DP, Director, or Producer is trying to tell me something.

Who am I though really? I'm just a person who used to visit here once a day and try to help. It's become once a week and I don't even bother signing in. It just isn't worth it. I'll stick with the other sites that encourage helping and listening. This site will progress on and this post will be forgotten. But I felt it at least needed to be said. Thanks for reading and I hope that everyone's dreams come true. Mine have.

Ok...ignoring the elephant in the room...


I remember before I signed up, I spent ages poking about in threads and reading up on things that interested me. So if you're doing that already then you might as well make it so that you can input your own advice/questions! :P
I work as a gaffer for a living. I pay my mortgage, cable, car payment, etc. all by working on film/video productions. I am employed by myself only. I have several clients that call me because of what I know and can do on a shoot. I have been around all types of cameras, lighting equipment, and sets. When there is a question brought up about something I know for a fact and give my opinion about, there are other members, that work at Best Buy for a living who only do this as a hobby, who just seem the need to type their point no matter how wrong they are.

What drive do I have to come back to Opinions are great, it gets things moving and I certainly don't know everything about everything. But to see a college sophomore try to put me in my place, when I know what I am talking about is ridiculous. Even I know to shut my mouth when a DP, Director, or Producer is trying to tell me something.

Who am I though really? I'm just a person who used to visit here once a day and try to help. It's become once a week and I don't even bother signing in. It just isn't worth it.

I'm sure when you started in the business you had some opinions that were wrong. More than probable you also found an outlet

for your frustrations. (girlfriend, drinkin buddy, mom:) ) At least here you can throw those opinions out there and there are

people like you that can help and guide in the areas that you are familiar with. If they don't want to listen then don't cast more

pearls.(that's a Bible reference:) ) All I want to say is censorship is not the answer. Full participation by everyone is. Maybe the

next Kubrik, or Spielberg is on these pages now, and we don't even know it. (That was a reference to me:) ) Thanks for the post

anyway, I agree it needed to be brought up.
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Is the website bad? No. The website has a lot of potential and can be very helpful. There are some members on this board that seem to be extremely unhelpful when it comes to the questions being asked by others on the board.

What drive do I have to come back to Opinions are great, it gets things moving and I certainly don't know everything about everything. But to see a college sophomore try to put me in my place, when I know what I am talking about is ridiculous.

Who am I though really? I'm just a person who used to visit here once a day and try to help. It's become once a week and I don't even bother signing in. It just isn't worth it. I'll stick with the other sites that encourage helping and listening. This site will progress on and this post will be forgotten. But I felt it at least needed to be said. Thanks for reading and I hope that everyone's dreams come true. Mine have.


I believe that the "Putting of something in their place" is very subjective, something that you will find on whatever forum it is you visit.

Yet, what i see from your post, is an opportunity missed.

"But to see a college sophomore try to put me in my place, when I know what I am talking about is ridiculous"

Irritating as this may be, many members develop from the way their opinions are taken, and how it is the more experienced respond, even if they where delivered in a way you may not deem fit.

Confidence among the younger/new members will undoubtedly be as boyant as ever, not all will be gracious or recognize the true extent of what the forum can offer, so in an almost "Non-official" way, it is up to the experienced, and more frequent film-maker, to nurture the inexperienced, who would like nothing more than to be exactly where you are.

I wouldn't discourage an opinion based on how it was delivered, as i know the giving of the opinion was the first step, the second it appears, they just haven't learnt yet.
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There are some members on this board that seem to be extremely unhelpful when it comes to the questions being asked by others on the board.

I really hate seeing posts like these because I'm here quite often and just don't see much unhelpfulness going on at all. Rather the contrary. It's why I volunteer my time as a moderator, to help keep things on target. If this place were mean and unhelpful, I wouldn't spend any time here at all.
I just find that odd Brooksy because this is by FAR the friendliest and most helpful site I visit.

I agree this site is awesome, Was definitely one of the best things i have done relating to my media career. I can get answers to my questions from people who know what their talking about.

Also some members have influenced me to start writing some new scripts so its thumbs up for me!