feature Is your video popcorn worthy?


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
In Videos we tried the up/downvoting without reactions. Now, we have something a little different.

The icon is now a popcorn bucket and tied directly to reactions with no downvote.

Popcorn Points determine how popular a video is. You can click the popcorn bucket to upvote a video, or, it will automatically add a vote when you react positively (Like, Love, etc.).

You can test by watching a few vids now, or even go through old ones you "voted" on to add your reaction. It will not change your vote.

I think this will add more points to the videos with them tied to the reactions.
In other words now you can LOL (react) and it clicks the popcorn bucket for you. That is 1 popcorn point.

If you LOLed not because it was funny but because it was terrible, you can just remove the point if you wish by clicking the bucket.