Is this stunt easy or dangerous?


I want to get a "simple" shot of my actor floating down as if he's just landing from a parachute jump. I would have a "glider" attached to the crane and my actor would be holding onto the handle bars. I will probably need a crane to do this, so I was thinking of paying someone to use their crane truck. Is this too dangerous? Or is there a more professional way of doing something like this?

I contacted a stunt coordinator and he gave me this for rates:

Rates/breakdown are as follows.

My rate: 1800/12 hour min per day
Rigging Coordinator: 929.25/8 hour
Rigger: 714.61/8 hour
Performer: 714.61/8 hour

So does that mean it should cost around $4000 for 1 day?

Btw, I don't have film insurance right now. I'm not very familiar with it, but I have gotten it before and paid about $150 for it. I wasn't doing any stunts that time but I assume it covers stunts? I don't want to come off as a complete amateur to this stunt coorinator.

Plz advise.

Thank you.
The OP said it needs to be a specific location. Unless that location happens to be in the country away from powerlines, trees, light poles and buildings, odds are it aint happening with a real jump.

Skydiving is also highly regulated by the FAA, so other rules come into play to.

On the other hand, if you go out to a legit drop zone and and put a 5 foot target down in the landing area, odds are a hired skydiver can hit it and there's not fuss. Just because you pay someone doesn't mean they can "land where you want".

And landing off a DZ is usually considered a demonstration skydive and there's a whole set of rules that go into that too.