Is this a good idea for a film?

ok, so here's my idea for a film. Just wondering what you guys think of it?

Cedric, an introverted young man finds a series of pictures of Alexia, a young woman. The series starts off with her being very happy, having lots of friends etc. Then they show her situation getting progressively worse. She develops multiple personality disorder and becomes very depressed. Cedric knows through these pictures that Alexia only has a few days to live so he finds her and tries to help her get better. Through this process of helping someone else in need, Cedric becomes a more fulfilled and happy guy, along with Alexia. In the final scene, we find out however that Cedric is one of Alexia's created personalities and that she just created him to help herself out of her situation.

Whatcha think?
My first question:
how do you show in a series of pictures that someone is developing a multiple personality disorder?
Maybe this conclusion can only be drawn after meeting...

But it sounds like a promising idea!
I always love to play with reality vs insanity/the mind's reality.
(And it has a rich tradition in filmhistory: Twelve Monkeys, Brazil, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, El Labyrintho del Fauno and even The 6th Sense can be seen as very different ways to play with reality vs. mind.)

Please don't tell me the final title if it ever get's filmed: I hope to forget the end before I will see it ;)
Very impressive idea, sounds good and has the potential to have good visual tricks and great acting performances.
However, one thing you've done that annoys me is told us the ending, you should of simply said that 'there will be a twist ending'. If you know the ending to something and it has a twist or a certain power to it then that power is blunted, for instance, if someone told me the ending to 'The Wicker Man' before I watched it, it wouldn't be as powerful and haunting as it was.
So I'd edit over what you've said if it were me hehe :)
But good luck with the idea, I really like it.
Aha, don't worry guys, this will be shot in like, five years once I've been through film school, made contacts, got some money together etc. Hopefully you'll have forgotten by then! :P

Thanks for all your your nice comments guys, it means a lot. Also, yeah WalterB, I'm thinking of changing it to we know about her multiple personality disorder once they meet.

One quick question, I've got the first 30 minutes planned out pretty well. I'm going to introduce each characters, and their issues and how they deal with them. I've got the ending - the twist. But I can't really think of what's going to happen in the middle. All I've got is: he helps her and in doing so it forces him to be more outgoing etc. But I can't think of what they would actually do. Any ideas?
Well, what would you do to help someone in that situation? Think of it like method acting really, what would a realistic thing from them to do actually be? Unfortunatley I don't know what it would be myself, but you see my point :P
Well, on the subject of the ending, my dad told me the twist ending to Unbreakable a couple of years before I watched it and I remembered it before sitting down to watching it the first time ;D. But I love your ending anway so... :cool:
If you do it in a similar style as "Fight Club" where the multiple personalities exist but only the "dominate" one at the time can interact with the scene/other characters. That would be cool.

Another option is to have all the characters in the movie be from the same person?

And Polfilmblog is right, MPD just doesn't happen; here is my suggestion/scene to start things off.

Alexia has just been in an accident (car, fall down the stairs, bumped in the head, etc) very disoriented and cries out for help. Suddenly there is this young man (Cedric) comes rushing out of the blue to help her, save her (which is in fact her saving herself).

After which she does to the hospital for her injuries, Cedric is there being supportive but overall people ignore him (not actively, he is like a ghost), finally a family member gets there and Cedric excuses himself (of course only Alexia see this - as her family is there now there is no need for Cedric). And later the doctor tells her that she has had an extreme brain trauma and may be experiencing unusual side-effects such as MPD, Panic Attacks, etc.

Then go from there...