Is the t3i capable of getting this many looks?

Is the t3i capable of getting this range of looks?

Just finished watching this tutorial on color. Not sure what dslr he is using, but I know its not the t3i. Was wondering if the settings he discussed are available on the t3i...annddd if they are, is the t3i capable of achieving the same range of video looks as the dslr being used. Any help/direction appreciated. Thanks
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You can't access the white balance shifter thingy on the t3i

Using the Magic Lantern, you can dial in the Kelvin.

is the t3i capable of achieving the same range of video looks as the dslr being used

Lit well, you'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference between a Canon Rebel & one of the larger full-sized sensor Canon DSLRs. I shoot 2nd-cam on a T2i, assisting a 5D, frequently. Can't tell the difference in the edit.
You can also buy filters for the camera to shift the white balance of the image... which is how they used to do it with film stock... you'd get a specific Kelvin film, then adjust it at the lens using filters