There tens of thousands of screenplays being pitched at pitchfests every year.
This year.
Last year.
The year before that.
Next year.
The year after that.
Blah blah blah.
Forests of trees are slaughtered annualy to produce mountains of sh!t that'll go nowhere, all feuled by the sincerest of expectations.
Who cares.
Everyone has ideas.
Big whoop tee do.
Make your practice feature or short.
Make your mistakes little.
Make your contacts that you feel will not FUBAR your Golden Goose.
Once you've cultivated the feel that you know WTH you're doing then pursue your Golden Goose feature.
I read earlier today that Terrence Malick began work on Q two decades ago, and only now has directed it as
And Cameron sat on AVATARD for at least a decade.
You can't argue either of these guys are nubes.
Experienced people wait on stuff until they can do it right.
So, the precedent has been set.
Monky see...
Monkey do.
Show around what you're not afraid of someone else ripping off.
When you know WTH you're doing you won't need to be concerned because you can get the product to market long before anyone else can.
You and me ain't quite there just yet.
Gimme a couple of years and I'll get fairly slick at it.