Irishman in Toronto

Hey, just stumbled across this website in my quest for more information surrounding script writing and it's various foibles - I've already spent the last few hours surfing the forum's and reading up on various people's experiences, sounds cool!

Hopefully someone will be able to pass on some advice to this fish out of water trying to get out of this dead-end job!


Hello good sir! Have you been out to the film festival yet? Maybe even try volunteering next year. I'm a fan of learning things backwards first and it's a great way to get an idea for the penultimate goal at the end of the struggle. You meet all kinds of people along the way- publicists, press, buyers, sellers, actors, directors, writers, producers, photographers, programmers, stage managers and a whole host of people from different backgrounds and countries.

I think the best thing you can do is study the distribution first, then the production, then the pre-production and then the writing if you want to go balls-to-the-wall... that way you end up writing something you can get produce and you produce something you can distribute (however way you choose)!

Then, when you know all the crazy business shit, just let your art & creativity come naturally into it!
I actually have got invovled in the festival this year, and have spent as much time as possible around it! Unfortunately because it's my first year here, my exposure to everything was limited to just ballot counting, but it's a start I suppose.

I agree with your ideas of learning back-to-front, I think the best way to fully understand the implications of what you write is to see how it gets interpreted and what it means to other aspects of the movie-making process, so it's something I intend on finding out in this hot-bed of creativity named Toronto!

Thanks for the advice boss!
