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watch iphone app 8mm

Just playing, I like this app.



Hey, that was my mom, I was behind the cam, er I mean phone..

hotdogs in the back yard over open fire... living in the boonies has its advantages..
no, the vimeo app lets you EDIT (cuts, transitions and titles) footage either live (movie or still) or from saved files (movie or still) easy upload to vimeo.

I had saved the 8mm app footage to my camera roll, thus making it available to the vimeo app
Here is a music video I whipped up with these and other apps on my lunch break today..


I edited with an app called 1stVideo - Consumer
it was $10! The most expensive app I have, but it can do more than any of the others I found. has a timeline with TWO tracks of video.. audio fades, etc..
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The most expensive app I have, but it can do more than any of the others I found. has a timeline with TWO tracks of video.. audio fades, etc..

That's awesome! Because if you're like me, you don't like to post even the most basic videos shot on your phone without editing at least a little bit.
This is my first camera phone. That 8mm App just hits me in the right spot. I know the phone can do 720p but for quality I have good cams.. for this.. this organic thing..its just cool

:-) its a good app. I had to watch the training videos to get up to speed, but its rather slick. An experienced iPhone user may have intuited some of the controls...
now I just need an h264 encoder app that I can pass these through prior to upload.. that little video was 155Mb! I ran it through handbrake and got it down to 40mb.
I know the phone can do 720p but for quality I have good cams.. for this.. this organic thing..its just cool

Something about it...I just got a Droid and put an app called "Retro Camera" on it. Took it on our vacation to Canada and damn if I didn't take most of my vacation photos with it. I know as experienced manipulators of images we can do all the things these apps do with our raw footage shot on great cameras in post, but there's something immediate and organic about pointing and clicking. Or I'm just a nostalgic dork. One of the the two.
Yes, I have premier, its h264 encoder stinks, try handbrake if you want quality.

I need an h264 encoder for the iphone. Id like to do a 100% phone only workflow..just for giggles.. . I have such a workflow now, but the upload size over cell data is too big, even with unlimited data, it takes too long... lol..