internet and festivals

Hi all,
My little 48 is going to get a small face lift and Im going to submit it to some festivals. Id like to put it on line too, but wonder if these two paths are mutually exclusive.

What the general approach here? Festivals first THEN on line, or what?

Do you mean is it allowable to have a version of your film online as well as in consideration for festivals?

I think it depends on the festival. I just submitted a film to a few dozen and one in particular asked that our film be removed from the general internet IF it is accepted.

I know brother Sonnyboo recently said his short Accidental Art completed its festival run and is now online, so he probably knows the current customs and mores of this better than most.
Only the top 5-10 film festivals care if the movie is already online. Some people take a very serious road about not putting their movie online while it is at festivals, but it's usually to no detriment. With ACCIDENTAL ART, I withheld it from the Internet while I submitted to 2-3 bigger festivals that actually state in their submission that they do not accept movies that are available online.

For a 48 Hour Film Project, I'd say put it online and simultaneously send to festivals.