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watch INK!


The hard cut transitions at the beginning are distracting.
The short cross fade transitions are better.
The long one's near the end are also kind of distractingly slow.
And your timing for the LIVE LAUGH LOVE are done well.

Super documentary style test.
Now all you need is some soft spoken narrator to tell the audience... something.

Pet peeve of mine is when folks get background music, lay it in at 100% volume, then play their narration or scene dialog at 100% which the audience can't hardly understand because of the competing BG music.

Whenever you have an audio track playing at the same time as dialog/narration, knock the music down to about 35%.

With dialog/narration music should be suggested rather than a character on the set.

IMHO and as a personal preference.
I will do a reedit! I will think about some kind of narration if it fits :)

Thanks for all your suggestions! They help me make better videos in the future!
Your welcome.

For the narration find some mushy Chinese/Tibetan philosophy goobledy gok and have mom or dad voice it over. They seem like pretty supportive folk.

Do you have an audio editor software program?
If so, tinker with it on the voice over.

I'm working on one for Nate North's Cop&Driver thingie. I found myself selecting and deleting a bunch of inhalations and tongue clicks. Ran it through a couple of filters to knock out static, equalized it and tinkered with timing and a few other things.
Sounds a lot better.

It's surprising whatta hassle voice can be.

Headzup: recording audio in a normal room is very echoey. I did one in my walk in closet thinking the rows of clothes would dampen the echo = the sound was too flat, almost dead. It was weird.
But going outside allowed too many bug and bird noises, so that was kinda goofed up.
I had to find a parking lot far away from the road and forest to get a decent base to work from.
Likely, your most sensible bet is to record in the walk in closet and just deal with the tonality.

Look forward to INK!1.1

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Will consider all that Rayw.

Thanks for the support!

Will work on the next version soon!

I have a heard time finding some Chinese Philiosophy which would fit.. Could you give me a hand? That would be ultra cool!
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I dunno any of that shhhhstuff!

Google it, you lazy bum. :lol:

It doesn't have to be spot on, Oscar worthy.
Just find something ... who's that old dude over there... the Dolly-Llama said.
yeah, I have to admit, I can be quite lazy :)

I will have a skim through the internet! Might take a while for version 2. Its either tomorrow or next week! :)

I actually really really like this:

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.

The purpose of all the major religious traditions is not to construct big temples on the outside, but to create temples of goodness and compassion inside, in our hearts.

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.

Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion.

We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection.

-Dalai Lama
LOL! As far as I know the Chinese and the Tibetans are not on friendly terms. The Tibetans do not use Chinese characters.

I don't think you need some philosophical mumbo-jumbo to go with your video.

No, a VO is certainly not NEEDED.

It's only an exercise, and the experience of figuring out how to actually do it rather than theorizing about it will make any of us better at eventually directing others to do things.

You can't ask people to do stuff if you don't know it's possible, and when they're sandbagging you or (worse) billing you for goofy stuff you don't need you can call 'em on it.

LOL! As far as I know the Chinese and the Tibetans are not on friendly terms. The Tibetans do not use Chinese characters.
Well... neither Phil nor I have the slightest idea what those characters mean, so they could be saying "Eat More Yak" for all we know.
And it's fairly irrelevant.
He could VO quotes from The Sponge Bob Square Pants Movie and that'd be fine.
Doesn't matter.

Phil gets to
- select dialog and/or edit it even
- figure out who to ask to do the VO
- ask/convince them to do it
- find a suitable recording site, not too echoey, not too buggy.
- record while coaching the "voice talent" on delivery.
- likely record it at least a couple times.
- possibly separate audio from video tracks before editing.
- convert audio into editable format
- edit for breath and click removal.
- edit for timing, either adding or subtracting.
- consider copying audio from one recording onto another
- apply assorted filters to remove static, change tonality, adjust timing or pace.
- develop file management skills
- FINALLY lay in the VO on the video.
- figure out a subjectively "pleasing" VO vs. BG music balance.

It's a good thing.

Lord knows I appreciate more what Alcove and Roc gotta fool with.
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I like it. But I bet there is some ancient Chinese calligrapher having a heart attack over how badly you've butchered those symbols.:)