Contempo's got a terribly challenging job. Plus, I don't know about anyone else, but it would take a bit of time to write a first draft feature length script, and the faster it's written, the crappier it will be. Unless you're a genius. And only Clive sits on that throne, IMO
Kind, but so, so untrue -- the genius part anyway -- All I ever do is read Filmy's tutorials and posts about screenwriting and then do what he says.
Development of a first draft feature film, if you can put 24/7 into it, works out at about seven to nine weeks.
A week to find a strong high concept, through brainstorming and then honing of the idea.
A week spent exclusively on research and character development - Using Filmy's questionaire.
Two weeks spent on building a fourty-five sequence 4 act structure -- using Movie Outline
Then anything between three to six weeks to actually write the draft - averaging five to seven pages a day
Doing it part time and by committee you're looking at doubling that timescale at least.
If you really, really needed to get the job done fast, I think you could do it in eight days -- four days development, four days writing at twenty five pages a day. (But you'd be wasted at the end of it) and I can guarantee the thing would then need another week's worth of tidying.
I am a Marine, and we use cuss words on a regular basis. I didn't know my fellow filmmakers were soft? I would like a refund, being that I can contribute nothing to this project because I am "rude". Grow up.
Total respect to you as a Marine, I have a lot of time for the Corp -- but this is one of those times when Gung-Ho isn't gonna cut it and we've all got stow our shit and show a little adapability -- if you think of CVF as a raw 1st Lt. with his first command, you'll see why he's a bit skitish about any insuborbination. Cut him some slack.
Oh, and US Marines aren't the only people that can get salty!