IndieTalk is 6


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
:bday: IndieTalk is 6! And I still see some of the original members out there. Nice to see all the new members too!

Par-taaaaaay! (Toga-style, rsvp)
Woohoo!! Happy Birthday indietalk, but I thought you were much older than that, having made this website and movies and all

<- "new" member!
Yeah, it occurred to me the other day that I've been here for about a year now. And though I am no closer to finally shooting a film than I was then, I still consider it some pretty good fortune to have found so many people who love the art of filmmaking and are willing to share their stories and insight on a daily basis.

Though I still have a few billion miles between where I am now and having a competent idea of how to get a movie off the ground and beyond, I do feel slightly more intelligent about the business and art of it than I did a year ago.

Believe it or not.
This anniversary prompted me to look at the members list.

Interesting how many people who signed up in that first week never posted at all.

I signed up Jan 7, 2004 - two days before WideShot and eight months before Will. :tongue:
I don’t remember how I found this forum but I’m honored to have been given Guru status.
This is the best forum of its kind on the web.

Happy Anniversary to all of us!
I joined in April of 2005! IndieTalk is THE BEST online site for filmmakers ever! Plus, I like our small community and hanging out. I was wondering a few days ago whatever happened to the 'chat' we used to have here! I guess everyone was to busy to use it, but I remember talking with Zen on there!

Happy Birthday, IndieTalk! :woohoo:

-- spinner :cool:
I was wondering a few days ago whatever happened to the 'chat' we used to have here! ... I remember talking with Zen on there!

Yah, that chat things was awesome. I remember hitting on... err.. I mean... talking with you there, as well

Several q&a's with industry peeps, from time to time, too. The turnout for SlamDance film-fest organiser was through the roof.

It'd be nice to have back, though I suspect spammage may have had something to do with its removal. Pity. :(