In need of a good movie :)

I watched Donnie Darko for the first time last night and I loved it! Im thinking about doing this every night, watching a movie that i've heard is good. Ha. Right now Im at a loss and looking at IMDB'S top 250, lol. I need help..I want to watch something with an erie feel. Like Donnie Darko, American Beauty, and the butterfly effect. I know they are all different movies but they all have this erie feeling I love. Leaves you feeling very introspective..haha Any suggestions? Thanks.

After Hours (Martin Scorsese) is one of the oddest and enjoyable films I have seen. I need to pick up a copy of it myself.
I guess I'm in the minority, but I like Solaris (2002) a lot. It's sort of dreamy and thought provoking. I haven't seen the original.
I second Requiem for a Dream. I recommend it to everyone these days... you never know which of your friends might be considering shooting heroin. ;) <--inappropriate wink

But seriously, what about "STAY" with Ewan McGregor directed by Marc Forster? A second, third, and fourth viewing coupled with some quick googling will seriously pay off on that movie (as will listening to the director's commentary).
The Dead Zone

Stephen King adaption with Christopher Walken, Cronenberg directing. Absolutely fantastic, does the masterpiece of the book justice. Check it out!!!

Requiem For A Dream is indeed the most depressing film I've ever seen as well. Hated it.
Out Of The Ice
The Wonderers
Brain From Planet Ares
Stranger From Venus
Planet Of The Apes (THE ORIGINAL FROM THE 1960S)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (ffrom the 1950s)
The Day The Earth Stood Still (The Original)
Colossus Of New York.
Captive Wild Woman starring Henry Fonda
The Howling

That should keep you busy for a while