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In Her Left Hand - microshort script

That's gorgeously haunting.

I don't know if you need to VO the line about "also in her left hand was my watch" if we've just seen the watch in her left hand. Perhaps you could just say "In her left hand are riches and honor..." and then we get punched in the face with just the visual of her left hand holding the watch, followed by the final lines about the songs of the birds and the trout to play us off.

I'd love to make this if you've no current plans to...
Damn you, UC

That is awesome short. Wish I'd seen that a few weeks ago.
Wish I'd seen that a few weeks ago.

For your Kodachrome project?

It would look good in Kodachrome.

I promise I shall give it my best efforts, but they'll be HD video efforts.

I haven't read a poetic script that punches me in the face like this one in years. I'm kind of thinking I want to drop everything else I have planned, call in my police officer and church favors, and make it this Fall.