I’m struggling with trademark or copyright laws.

Can we describe a character in our production as… “Meet Fang...her favorite color is pink...she loves all things techie…hello kitty...techno music...and a big fan of insects in general and spiders specifically…”
My understanding is that you can say just about anything that is a part of popular culture. It's when you start showing patented/copyrighted products where you run into issues.

As an example, a character is obsessed with the film "Reservoir Dogs." You can say that, and discuss the film, but you cannot use visuals or audio from "Reservoir Dogs" in your project without the proper licensing. You run into gray areas where the character has a "Reservoir Dogs" poster on the wall of his bedroom or frequently quotes from the film.
You are correct, Alcove. It is important to separate patent, trademark and
copyright. They are all different things.

Copyright does not cover the spoken word; A character can say the word,
"Hello Kitty". A screen writer can write that word in a screenplay. A character
can like "Hello Kitty". If "Hello Kitty" items are to be use as set dressing there
may be specific licensing needed. But talking about "Hello Kitty" is not a violation
of copyright.