I'm buying a 16mm camera - but it needs to shoot sync sound

Much like digital when I first started mucking about with it, I'm really just going in head-first. Having never shot on film before, I'd like to remedy this, and since I got a fairly fat parting cheque from my previous employers, now is definetely the time. Thing is, I don't know a whole lot about film cameras and started veering towards the Bolex's and Beaulieu's (simply because of make).


It is essential that I am able to shoot sync sound with this camera. My budget is anything under $300 (which is actually pretty decent going by ebay.ca and craigslist prices - I'm in Toronto), so I cannot go the Arriflex/CP-16 route. I'm looking towards Bolex/Beaulieu/Krasnogorsk and Bell+Howell. Any suggestions?

This noob appreciates it.

Or does 'blimping' an H-16 or K-3 (or whatever) get rid of much of the camera noise? I guess I really don't have enough dosh for an pro-sync camera out of the box, unless I find some sort of mega deal (which in fairness, I'm good at finding).
My, do I feel silly.

So the 518 - the bee's knees as they say? No accessories is a bit of a drag (the 312 comes with a boom and another mic), and the B8L comes with a sweet case, but this camera does look neat.
814 is better, 1014 is even better. Don't worry about mics you can't record sound directly on super-8 anymore.
It's good but check to see if it works! Don't buy cameras on ebay if they say for parts, or untested. Send them a message and ask them to pop some batteries in and and see if the motor runs, and if the zoom works if it does not say.
It never hurts to take some time (before buying) to learn about the various cameras, their features, strong points each might have, disadvantages others might have etc, and get a feel for what you want and what a fair price for it might be. Then you are in a far better position to start looking for one.

It’s also not a bad idea to learn about the various 16mm Bolex cameras and accessories too.
Even if you go Super 8, 16mm Bolex just have a way of surfacing now and then, and its nice to be armed with knowing what is what in that realm.
