archived-videos I will never be homeless

Here is my entry for round #3. This is much different than all the films submitted this round. I wanted to catch people off guard and get them to thinking about something. I would say this is the most serious thing I've done to date. I'm very pleased with how the film turned out. I hope you will enjoy it as well.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the film and made this come together as great as it did. :D Remember to vote for the film(if you liked it) here.


"I will never be homeless"
Poem by Bonnie Briggs
Cinematography by Charla Phillips
Music by Rich Douglas
Narrator Kathy Phillips
Directed, Produced and Preformed by Cohen Phillips
Upvote 0
Very touching!!
That homless guy was amazing!!
And the color effects were dazzling... you really must post a "Making of" for that effect, because it was done PARTICULARLY well!
Great work!
Cohen, very nice work. Indeed, this is unlike anything I've seen of yours. Your color accents looked great! Thanks for sharing this with us.
Cohen, Great job. The subject matter was a risking one, but you defanantly pulled it off. Thanks for taking the gamble. I love the decision to have the poem narrated throughout.
I thought this one was really good! This is my problem: I'm not into poetry at all. That's the one thing that kept me from liking it more, but that's just me. That thought doesn't change my feeling about this being technically good. This one was very very well done! The music was nice too!
Cohen... made my mum cry :(

Very effective (and Charla was fantastic as DP)

Adding myself to the list of people wanting to know how you did that colour-thing. :cool:
Well done, Cohen.

Based on your previous works, expectations were high... and you certainly cleared the bar with I'll Never Be Homeless.

To say it's "touching" (which it is) shows that all the various aspects worked together. The poem itself, narration, visuals, etc. Each part working together to convey the message... it's quite an accomplishment to orchestrate them.
I saw
I felt
I like...

Great work. Music and narration fits very well.

And yes, I'd like to know how you did the colorizing or de-colorizing. Mainly on the bench

Gave me chills... moving, beautifully shot (nothing fancy or special but perfect for the mood)... the poem is wonderful... i love how he was looking at himself as a homeless man... music was great and perfect for the mood.... i just think it work very well together... only criticism i would have is when selecting which colors should be present in the image while everything else is b/w make sure you know the affect of the color on the audience. The one scene with the blue sky gave me a feeling of hope and like that man had a good future, to me it seemed more like it should be drearly and chilling, not hope filled. I usually associate a blue sky, with b/w, as bright, cheerful, sunny, etc...

cibao said:
Nice job. I too would like to know the how to on the colorization.


Many consumer cameras, I have one by samsung, that as a digital effect that takes all colors out except specific ones, i'm assuming that is what you did. My camera can leave only one color, just the main colors; red, blue, yellow, and green.
Actually, I felt as if he were "walking away" from the blue skies, only to land in the dumpster... which was amazingly symbolic, and actually left me feeling hopeless!
If that was the desired intention, very well thought out... the fact that the sky and dumpster are both colorized makes the symbolism stand out!

As for the coloring.. did you use a masking? It can't be the camera because I'm sure there would be some color bleeding, and there are two colors in one shot.... How did you do that?
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Nicely done short :). Congrats!

As for the color, I'm obviously not HTTK and so I can't speak for him, but I'm guessing he used what is known as "Secondary color correction." Basically, you select a range of colors and the computer automatically generates a mask around everything that doesn't fall in the specified color range. Cool stuff!
That was great Cohen! :) This is actually the first film of yours ive seen. Very touching and great fx. Very good job!
I think this is the best you've done Cohen! I got goosebumps just watching it and tears were welling up in my eyes you are extremely talented and I can't wait to see what else you come up with. Thank you for sharing this with everyone!
Nice job, Cohen!

Well done transformation between the two characters and good acting.
I also liked the delivery of the dialogue at the end, especially
"What are you looking at?"