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I need help with a video I am working on !! I got some talent yall !!


Ok I am working on a music video to one of my new songs

No Funds Featuring (Deb Thomas and Jazz Stan


I want the song to play out like a movie very simple but showing different couples go through turmoil because of financials. I am currently in school in W.V. and the diversity of bueaty and talent just isn’t here I love editing but as far as being a camera man I can get my green screens done but I really want this to look good..

Well if you are interested let me know here are some of my previous works, they are kind of lame but I have never had the footage I wanted...




You’re in Charleston West Virginia and you have found no diversity
of beauty and talent? None at all?

You’ve got the “West Virginia International Film Festival”.
You’ve got the “Clay Center”
The West Virginia Film Office is located in Charleston.

Or do you mean there is no diversity of beauty and talent in your
school? Can that really be the case? Maybe I don’t understand what
“diversity of beauty and talent” means?

So what help are you looking for? What can we here at indietalk do
to help you make this music video of yours look good?
I'm with wheatgrinder...write a screen, establish a shot list, and shoot it. I'm not sure what you do. Are you a rapper, a songwriter, a filmmaker, an editor...???
And keep at it. Like most things, the more you do it, and can accept critique, the better you will get.
When I was talking diversity I mean more for the Genre the moment I say Rap people run exspecially Drama students.

You have an amazing opportunity to bring these
people together. Use your talent and passion to
bring bring the drama students into the genre of
rap. Ask them to help you add a more "movie-like"
feel to a music video with the talents they have.
Don't automatically assume the diversity of beauty
and talent just isn’t there - use YOUR talents to
discover the diversity of beauty and talent that is
in your school.

It's so easy to dismiss the drama students and say
they will run the moment you say rap. Maybe there
are many drama students who would love to try
something new. It's going to take effort and dedication
and enthusiasm to bring people together.

Are you up for that kind of challenge?
On the first vid...It's just the lady at her computer. Why not film some scenes of her walking through what youre rapping about. That way it's like she's actually expiriencing it. You could also do some fading in and out of you rapping as she's walking. Also the rhythm, inflection and pattern of the vocals is monotonous. IMO Give it some bounce to go along with the beat. The beat seems a little "busy" to me. There's the one effect that sounds like a high hat, I think. This thing is all over the place. I would think, tone it down and add a liitle funk to the beat. Less drawn out bass, make it shorter more varied notes. that way you can get away from the pattern of the vocals. I'm not a hip-hop guy, but that's what I heard.
2nd vid- YES! YES! YES!, this video is so much better than the first!!!! The cinematography, the beat, vocal pattern. Everything was better. Couple things: You have to learn what triplet and grand triplets are. The song is begging for them in the chorus and change ups. Also, if you wanna sing the chorus...sing it!! Especially when you hit that "crazy girl" or harden it up, but dont stay soft. The whole thing needs more of a "building" to a climax. It being a music vid you have to do this with your voice and music first. The video will follow. Over all I like this vid.
Hey fry,

I knew I recognized your name. You and I discussed the idea of shooting the video together. I'm sorry I never got back to you, that was so long ago, I don't remember even where I was or what I was doing. I probably was too distracted by screenwriting, maybe? Since then, I've shot a feature, and am now editing it. I'd still be interested in working with you, and I think we could do something real solid, but I imagine you probably want to get this done before I'd be available. If you haven't shot it by December, I'd really enjoy making this with you (and, I think we could get some awesome footage in the middle of winter).

I'm assuming you don't want to wait that long, though, so let me toss out my initial ideas. If you want to stick with the story format of a music video, showing couples struggle with finances, etc., I think I would speed-ramp the entire thing -- almost entirely, slo-mo, with quick-bursts of speed. Yeah, I know, that's not exactly original, but that doesn't mean it can't still be done effectively. In my head, I don't see you as a camera-man, but as a performer. I would keep the camera moving almost constantly, probably mostly on a track, and in between action of seeing couples fight, or whatever, every now and then you pop into the scene, as a reveal -- you were there all along, we just didn't see you, until the camera moved into a position to catch a glimpse of you rapping. While shooting, you'd have to play the music in double-time, so you'd have to rap really fast, but then when we slow it down in post, it will look really cool to see everything in the world happening in slow-motion, but your lips are in-sync with the music (again, not an original idea, but it's still cool).

Anyway, I still like your music. In addition to "No Funds", I also really like the song on the model tribute.
I can't offer too much advice about how you're going to construct this, fry112, but I would say that you do indeed need to not be afraid of the reaction you will get if you did request this at your school. The worst that can happen is that they say no, in which case you could contact a nearby dramatics society (there has to be some) or perhaps any amateur actors looking for work. I know some myself who put themselves out there for media work and, if you can get their face out there as much as they promote your music, you could get some good talent.

Good luck with the video dude, and don't give up. It looks like you have a lot of ideas here.