I just shot a freaking full-length movie!

Thanks for all the congrats, everybody.

Zensteve, we actually do have some Na'vi in the movie.

Steve_in_MD, I remember feeling the same way. Eventually, you'll just reach a point when you feel it's right.

knightly, I appreciate what you're saying, and I agree with your sentiment, but for the record, I enjoy the shit out of editing. The task to follow is huge, but editing is the easy part (though, I've got a MOUNTAIN of ADR).

That is great. How long did it take to film the project? And did you just film on weekends? Great job by the way. Did you have issues keeping actors interested in showing up for the shoot? Glad it worked out. Can't wait to see it. Good luck on the editing. What progarm are you using to edit? I was wondering if you were in the picture above and if so which guy are you? Just curious.

18 days of shooting, over the course of a little more than 3 weeks. We started shooting on July 12th. We had to take the last 3 days of July off, because the stars of this movie are clowns, and they had a pretty big clowning gig. No issue keeping interest at all. I cannot say enough positive things about the cast of this movie. I'll be editing on Premiere. I'm the big dude in the scrubs. Super-comfortable-outfit; I recommend it to all indie directors. Dude in the back is the boom-op, camera 2. The 4 that look like actors are the actors. ;)

EDIT: And to answer that other question, for me, it means 90 minutes or more.
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Wow that is amazing to shoot that fast. You did great. I would have been worried actors would leave doing that long of a shoot with little time off. Great job.
I was very worried about actors flaking out. That's why I paid them. But I didn't have much to pay them, considerably less than minimum wage. Thankfully, the power or recommendation worked wonders. I never put out a casting call. The entire cast is people who were recommended by people I trust.
Great job man. That's half the battle.

Now you have post and marketing ahead of you. Muhahahah. And you thought shooting it was tough! Muahahahah.

It's *all* in the follow-through. Stick with it man. Keep to a good schedule in post.
