I have a short doc I would like to upload...

I have a short doc that I did last fall and I would like to upload it. But since I haven't uploaded much of my stuff, I wanted to know if there is a length limit for IT.

My doc is about 24 minutes long.

-- spinner :cool:
COMPRESS! Or you could upload to a third party like Vimeo or Youtube. I know with Vimeo you can protect it with a password so only Indietalk members (or whomever you like) can watch.
I know with Vimeo you can protect it with a password so only Indietalk members (or whomever you like) can watch.


Does YouTube have that? I have a YouTube account but I have yet to take advantage of it. I'll be doing that soon. I'm trying to get my website together so it will be easier to 'share'.

I'll go back and try to compress it again.

-- spinner :cool:
Thanks! I'll look at that too.

I have 2 (possibly 3) film projects to work on so it might take a while as those are priorities. I just thought maybe I could just throw it up there. But it shouldn't take that long to redo it, so maybe I'll be able to get it done sooner.

Thanks for your help and I'll see how quickly I can put this up.

-- spinner :cool:
I'd go with vimeo. I've seen feature length films posted on there, so your 24min would def. be fine. And I'm sure at only 118MB, it will upload just fine.

Youtube has a 15min time limit, so if you want to upload it there, you'll need to do it in parts.
Vimeo seems (imo) to have a better quality. It's a plus to be able to password it, too.

YT has the option of a non-searchable link (semi-private), or great security by only allowing specific peeps on your friend list to see it - but very limited in length.