I hate zombie movies.

Sometimes they are kinda cool. But in reality, they fucking suck. I hate zombie movies. I don't understand why everyone (especially film students) are infatuated with them.


Whos with me?


you can go out and make a brilliant film, ala DEAD ALIVE, circa Peter Jackson 1992. Zombie movies are shit. Dead Alive is pure brilliance, it is 10x funnier than shaun of the dead and really kinda creepy.

But yeah....I hate zombie movies. There, I said it.
Zombie flicks suck... unless they rock. :huh:

I'm with ya all the way, buddy!

Well, Night of the Living Dead was good, as was the original Dawn of the Dead. Classics in my opinion.

Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland were just pure, corny fun and are never meant to be more than that.

Everything else, though, seems to be just a rehash of Romero's zombie movies and just can't live up to them. Haven't seen Dead Alive, though. Should check it out...
It's a fun subject...great for horror (or comedy apparently)--the dead come back to live to feed off of the living...I love the concept.

The reason so many people do them, is because it became a genre bullseye early on--since very long ago, humans have been facinated by the idea that our dead might come back to life...what if they do? Spoooooky. This has translated to film, and quite well I might add.

I think a lot of amateur zed flicks suck...yes...but a lot don't. Masterful directors are just as interested in the genre as the average guy...and when a masterful director gets ahold of a good zed script...we have ourself a scary story.

It also just so happens to be an indie filmmakers rite of passage--make a zed flick and then you can be considered an indie director. :)

I think it's a pretty cool entry level story idea...I mean...we *could* have a bunch of amateur filmmakers doing romantic comedy as their starter film...nahhh...screw that...I'd rather see a bad zed flick than a bad romantic comedy any day.
I am no where near you. Zombies movies are great. One of the best genres there are.
Why are zombie movies so great you ask? Simple they apale to many peoples great fear coming back from the dead. Also a lot of them specialy Romero flicks have social commatry right in them. Watch his Diary of the Dead to see what I'm talking about. Plus they are just great fun. Man vs Man(ish) things.

Here is a list of good zombie movies:
Shaun of the Dead
Any Romero zombie flick
28 Days Later
Dance of the Dead
Army of Darkness (this is a boardline Zombie flick in my book)
Gates of Hell trilogy
C.H.U.D. (borderline for me)
Day of the Dead 2: Contagium ( this is not a Romero movie)
The Dead Next Door

The list goes on but since its so early and I cant think str8 right now that is all im gonna say.
Haha, truth.

I actually don't like romero's films... zombies that are so slow you can walk past them is just stupid im my mind...

I agree...I like 28 Days Later zombies the best. Fast, brutal, deadly. But you better watch who you talk to about this. I had a discussion with a director/actor buddy of mine the other day, and he was super adamant about the biology and science of zombies. Explaining to me exactly why they walk slow, and exactly how to kill them, and exactly why they will claw their way into anything, and exactly why they ignore other zombies…yes, things I’m already aware of, but nonetheless he went on anyway.

I was like, ‘Dude, it’s totally science fiction…impossible. Magic. Why would making them slow or fast break some scientific rule?’ lol. Too funny. You can’t really argue with that.

And before anyone says “The zombies in 28 Days weren’t zombies, they were ‘infected’”…please don’t bother. We all know they are simply a new take on zombies, regardless of what they’re called.
Whos with me?
Not me. I LOVE zombie movies!

Sometimes they kinda suck, but in reality they are GREAT!
The reason other people (especially film students) are
infatuated with them is because people have a different
opinion than you.

I love watching zombie movies.
I love writing zombie movies.
I love directing zombie movies.
I love doing the efx on zombie movies.
Interesting opinions and viewpoints. I like your guys comments. I guess it just seems overdone, but then again what genre hasn't?
DEAD ALIVE by Peter Jackson is the most creative, riotous zombie flick, ever! But, you have to get the UNRATED version. The R version has been strip raped to nothing.


Now, where's my zombie collection pic?

haha i'm probably out of my league in this thread, but i certainly enjoyed 28 days and shaun of the dead - very different from each other, but both good i thought. also heard zombieland is really awesome. i def want to see that, i love woody harrelson.