
cat movement is looking better !
Thanks! This test was an important step, something I'd been looking forward to getting up and running. Basically 3d animations cost money, maybe 20-80 per movement, and don't look fully realistic. At this point, I can transfer animations from any film clip in existence directly onto any similar character. So bottom line, the cat in this example can mimic any movement I have in any clip. This means that our former selection of about 60 animations for the cat just turned into 60,000 animations for the cat.
Hi, Nate, Per-fection! he, amazing details on the animated cat so life like, and movements are spot on in action, music very fitting, Hope your keeping well? :)
Hi, Nate, Per-fection! he, amazing details on the animated cat so life like, and movements are spot on in action, music very fitting, Hope your keeping well? :)
Thanks, Leppy! I'm doing ok. Hope you are doing well. We got the movements to be realistic by creating a process where we can have the animation mimic movements it sees in videos, so the movement can be super realistic now. I can control any cg character with an xbox controller for stuff like walking or running, looking around. Then we can seamlessly switch over to having it imitate a clip we've showed it.

There's a lot of interesting possibilities. If I wanted to just add Tony Soprano's facial expressions and mannerisms to a character, I could just do that. I probably won't, but it's interesting to have the option. Like I can have a character giving a speech in a story, and just show it how Jeff Goldblum gestures when he talks, and have my character gesture like that while they give the speech. I'm sure as someone who does stop frame animation, you can understand what a huge time saver it is!
Hi, Nate!

Great to hear your well, I'm good thank you busy with Zey's latest episode!

That's a great process, it is quite surprising what you can do, with C.G.I, expressions are important, and movements, still
both C.G.I and Stop-motion animation, are complex, depending how much detail you would like to display!

Regards, :)