HSX - Fantasy Football for Movie Nerds

Rayw and I have agreed to a fun competition, and we're inviting any and all parties to join!

Hollywood Stock Exchange is comparable to fantasy football, but for movie nerds. It also helps if you're good at math.

How does the competition work?

On July 4th, each competitor is allowed to begin investing their fake-money, and then we simply follow the rules of that website to earn as much fake-money as possible. Competition officially ends on Oct. 31st.

On HSX, movies and movie stars are assigned a dollar-value. Once per week, stock values are adjusted, and you use your wits to predict the rise/fall of stock prices, and when you should buy/sell.

You can create your new account now, but don't make any investments until July 4th. You can find us on the league page -- we are the Super Sexy Summertime Silly Smackdown. You can join there, or send me your username and I'll send you an invite.

Just like in fantasy football, you can spend as little or as much time on this as you want. I did this once, about ten years ago, and I spent about half an hour per week.

I haven't discussed this next item with Ray yet, but I have a feeling he'll agree. In order to join, you have to offer some kind of wager. It can be whatever you want, large or small. But no money, cuz that's gambling, and illegal. Seriously, your wager can be anything you choose. Maybe you agree to watch whatever movie the winner tells you to watch. Maybe you offer your skills on their next short vid. Whatever, the choice is yours.

I have decided that my wager is that I will send one DVD of their choice, from my personal collection, to the winner. Except you can't choose anything that is part of a box-set.

Whose in?!
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A legal wager is plenty fine by me.

Gimme a day or three and I'll think of a thing or two that has some "value" to ante up.

However... I done jumped the gun and set up an account a few minutes ago:
"HSX Accounts accounts@hsx.com
9:56 PM (0 minutes ago)

Thank you for joining . Click the link below to activate your account and login. Once activated, you'll be able to begin trading stocks and build your portfolio."

I haven't traded a thing. Just snoopin' around.
Wasn't planning to trade anything until JUL 4.

The real stock markets will be closed then; does HSX observe industry standard working days?
(Looks like all we really gotta fret about is Labor Day, September 3, 2012.)
Snoopin' around is just fine. In fact, I might (will) do the same. :)

Just for transparency though, I think our snoopin-around accounts should be different from the actual account we use for competition. Unless there's some way to know that nothing's been traded. I guess I'll find out when I snoop around.
Yep. Looks like having a league is the way to do it. And nothing wrong with starting a new account right now. Don't make any investments until July 4th, though.

BTW, this might end up being a two-person league, and I'm okay with that. :lol:

But I hope not. Join in, folks!

Our league is the Super Sexy Summertime Silly Smackdown. You can find it on the league page. Either join there, or let me know your username, and I'll send you an invite.
Yep. Looks like having a league is the way to do it. And nothing wrong with starting a new account right now. Don't make any investments until July 4th, though.

BTW, this might end up being a two-person league, and I'm okay with that. :lol:

But I hope not. Join in, folks!

Our league is the Super Sexy Summertime Silly Smackdown. You can find it on the league page. Either join there, or let me know your username, and I'll send you an invite.
Applied: http://www.hsx.com/league/view.php?id=2520&msg=applied

Two-person league?! Wha... ?!! No way, Wayne?


"Super Sexy Summer... "

Could you not think of something just a weeeee less... I dunno... ? Twinkified?

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No, no, the league is sexy because we're like gladiators of nerd-dom.

Besides, I don't understand the YMCA reference. That's just a bunch of totally hetero dudes havin' a good time.
I'll show you be-arches how it's done. Application sent.
I'll betcha we can get a fourth, maybe even fifth, stooge before next week. Who wouldn't want the opportunity to win one of my awesome DVDs?