Howdy i too late?

Hey folks, as you can see i am new here...i happen to have a large passion about films...for some reason i cant remember even thought films have always been my passion, i was studying music for a few years. I am now 20 years old and really want to begin what im passionate about, films...i have considered going to college next year and studying film and media production but im worried if i am entering the scene too late?
I am now 20

I have it on good authority that 19 is the maximum age at which anyone can get involved with making film.

According to my well-documented sources (that I will not share), noone over the age of 19 has ever come close to being able to making a film, or even participate in a meaningful manner as part of a collaboration, even.

Sorry, dude. You may as well sign up for Carousel 10 years early. :no:

...true story.

James Mangold was born in 1963.

His first feature film he is credited for was in 1995.

You do the math.

EDIT: (In case you don't know who he is, he directed Walk the Line, 3:10 to Yuma, Kate and Leopold, and upcoming Knight and Day)
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I just turned (something older than 20 this past Monday) and I am seriously working on my first short. I am a guy who has been working in IT for the past 8 years with a Professional Accountancy degree. Hasn't stopped me from following my heart and my passion.

Now if your asking the age old "do I have to go back to school to learn how to make movies" question, my friend, you have come to the right place, as you will get plenty of pros and cons on that question on these boards. I have not gone to film school.
