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I want to know how the editor knows in raw footage which is the right take in a shot or scene B'coz usually actors take so many retakes so how the editor knows which is the ok shot to the director
Plzzzzzzzzzzz reply me iam just beginner in film making
It's all about organization. On set someone takes notes as to which take was good, and every shot is slated (the clapper board at the beginning, som calling "scene 3B take 4").

Even then, it's not all about the "good take" on set. A good editor many times will pull from a lot of takes to build the scene, even if take 4 was best for 3B, he will mix a bit of take 2 and 5... or whatever.

As far as what the director wants, it's the director's job to either communicate that, or more common in the film world, sit with the editor and you talk over choices together while you edit.

Hope that helps!
actors take so many retakes

Not if they cast me to start with.

how the editor knows which is the ok shot to the director

Many different ways, depending on how it's being cut and what was done while shooting.

It's common to mark good & bad takes on a shotlist right after the take actually happens. It might be done by the script supervisor, on top of all the other things (s)he looks out for.

Also, the director might actually sit with the editor while the film is initially pieced together to make sure the bits fit together according to the vision.

Writing things down as they are happening usually solves most these issues.
In my experience, editing is rarely about simply choosing which take is "best". You've gotta fit a lot of different shots together, and much of the time, it's about finding which ones fit with each other. It takes attention to detail, and an occasional whirlwind of creativity, but it often just boils down to trial-and-error, and a lot of patience.
so how the editor knows which is the ok shot to the director

On set the script supervisor takes notes on each take. When the
director likes a take they will tell the “scripty” who writes that
down in the notes. Most of the time a scripty will simply circle
the take the director likes. When the editor is sitting in the
editing room they will have the script with the scripty’s notes.
The editor will also look at all the raw footage to see if there
are little pieces of a NG scene they might be able to use. NG is
“No Good”

