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watch How To Become A Super Hero In 24 Hours - We need your help!

Hey guys,

We've entered a competition to create a music video for the band 'We Are The In Crowd'. The competition runs on Youtube views and we're just three days from the announcement of the finalists.

The top video is currently on 1500, so we've got some catching up to do.

We'd really appreciate if you could take the time to check it out and pass it on if you can. Facebook, Twitter, dropping your friends an email. Whatever you can do.

You can drop it a like on the bands page here.


The theme is 'How To Become A Super Hero In 24 Hours'.

When comic book and marvel custodian Benton prepares to take his first reluctant step into a world of full time employment and overdue rent, he stumbles upon a mythological book that will see the dreams of his childhood come to life.



Paper Twin Productions Ltd.
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That was pretty good.
Beautifully shot and edited.
Very nice.

Just watched DEFENDOR last night.
Got terrible distribution and reviews.
It wasn't all that terrible. IDK WTH the resistance was about.

And I watched SUPER the other week.
Another quirky film with poor ratings and screenings that wasn't as bad as stats would have you believe.

Your video was spot on terrific in that genre.
Very nice and YT "liked".


We're almost half way to our end target of 1500 and all in one day. There's two days left.

Thanks again for everyone who's watched, shared, or liked thus far. Keep it going!
Prior to 200-300 views, view count on the watch page acts as a real time hit counter. Each visit to that page, regardless of who is visiting (even the video owner) increases the view count by 1 (but see the secondary system below).

After 300 views, the whole system changes; the secondary view counters kick in. YouTube has never said exactly what they're counting (or not) but it's known that they throw out the original hit counter and re-evaluate all the page views and only allows hits which YouTube calls a "view".
Yeah, you may not need to watch the whole video. But you for sure need to do more than just load the page. It's hard to say though, YT keeps it's inner-workings to itself for the most part.

btw, congrats on getting 935 views!!!
We're in the FINAL DAY before the finalists are announced. We've surpassed our 1500 target. A huge thank you to everyone who viewed/shared.

One last big push and we're there. Let's get to 2000!

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Any word on where the other videos are at?

The current standings for the five that will be finalists are.

1593 - We're here.

So we're really in need of another push to secure our spot. We'd really appreciate if folk could drop it on their timelines or show a friend.


Thanks again guys.
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Unfortunately, i do not use fb and barely have anyone added as a friend there but im sharing thru other means.


Keep posting a link in your last posts so the visiting guests at IT can easily click it every time.