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How do you make a script?

Basically, I'm going to make a 4 part series (5minutes or so each) to upload onto YouTube. So I guess it's a short film? How would I write and format the script? I've tried writing, learning, and read actual screenplays, and it baffles me.
CeltX provides a free alternative to script-writing needs.


(Well, they charge a fiver if you want to use their online collaboration tools... other than that; free)

It comes with several examples of formatting.

There's been a few books that have been recommended on the forums, too, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
Always use Courier 12-point font.

Left Margin is 1.5 inches (appx.15 spaces)

From Left Margin justified left tabs:
Character name is appx. 25 spaces
Parenthetical is appx. 21 spaces
Dialogue is appx. 15 spaces

Dialogue should not run longer than 3.5 inches.

Use an unjustified 1.0 right margin.

1.0 inch top and bottom

There are five main elements of a properly formatted script

Scene Heading/Slugline
Character Name

Sluglines or Scene Heading
Written in capitals and containing three pieces of information:
(1) Where; (2) Exactly where, and (3) when. (2) and (3) are
separated by a space or a dash, followed by another space.

(1) can be INT. (interior) or EXT. (exterior); (2) is a short
identification of the place; and (3) can be either DAY or NIGHT.

For example:


You can use more than one subject.

For example:


You need a new slugline each time you change the place,
and/or change the time.

Action, or Description
The screenplay’s visual elements, where we show what is taking
place on the screen. Character descriptions, what they are doing,
the places, and everything the audience will need to assimilate
visually. Don’t use capitals for sounds, props, visuals or emphasis.
But you will capitalize the name of each character the first time
you introduce them.

Character Name
In a properly formatted script the Character name is placed above
the dialogue, in caps appx. 25 spaces from the left margin; not

This is where you place everything the character says.

Do not use parantheticals under the character name to show
action. And don’t use them to tell the actor how to read the line.
Let the emotion come from your script and dialogue. Try to
avoid using them at all.

It should look like this: click here
Holy jalapeno burritos directorik; that helps a lot! And zensteve, I always thought CeltX was a mac program! My school provides macs for our news team and they have celtx and some idiot told me it was only for Apple. Thanks then, I'll be sure to use directorik's knowledge and zensteve's suggestion!

I used to copy and paste the format from the net to write it properly but never fully understood it. And since I came abroad and I'm on a different computer, I didn't know where to copy from!