Stop financing your own movies. Get someone else to pay for it. That's the only way.
No, it's not. Though I only co-financed THE AWAKENING, I can tell you that none of these would exist, had I not paid for the projects:
I was duped into believing that there was money to be made making indie movies. There is not.
Apparently, you've had some bad experiences - probably because of sheisty investors. Three of my last four projects have paid for themselves or made profit. Unless the budget is enough for a decent director salary, why would I want to give the project away????? I'm anal about controlling the script, the music and the movie rights, so I cover those. Investment is certainly a way, but not "the only way." I've tried the investor route, which usually produces these kinds of statements:
"You need to put lots of naked breasts in it."
"My cousin needs to be the star."
"You can shoot it in a weekend."
My problem is, I want to make a certain kind of movie - I like makeup, sets and fx. I've dealt with many millionaire and indie investors and we never saw eye to eye, because they wanted to do ridiculous things like shooting a feature in one weekend.
One deal (PROBE) was supposed to have Executive producer, Mike Elliot (THE DEVIL'S REJECTS) put in half the budget, but get all foreign sales. The producer/editor, the visual FX guy and I were supposed to put in $6,000 each and we would each get a 1/3rd take of domestic sales. Now, these guys were all out of state and not volunteering to crew up, while I was supposed to make the movie in Nevada - including the sets- spaceship, a lost city, etc.
This actually sounded like a good opportunity at first. Two of the other three guys had studio connections. I was supposed to write, direct and score. It was a chance to make my story,
EXILE. As the project got going, someone said, "We need more gore and less acting." They knew we were working with a small budget and didn't want to rely on actors carrying the movie. They tossed EXILE and wanted to go with PROBE, instead. EXILE was mostly one set (the habitat), while PROBE needed a large ship and lost city. Not to mention, I found the story ridiculously shallow.
After a couple of months, I let the guys know that I did not want to be involved in the PROBE project. I talked it over with my wife and we produced EXILE, ourselves. It was actually less work than PROBE. As long as I was paying into it, either way, why not own it, outright?
The short of it: I can't stand investors, because most don't have the guts to get behind
you and your ideas. I've had one exception - THE AWAKENING. It was cheap as hell, but it was worth it because they gave me creative leeway.
After years of talking about making a movie, (since I was a kid) my wife finally got fed up with me and told me to just start shooting.........The only advice I have at all for people who are still talking about the movie they will make some day is stop talking and start shooting.
This is the right attitude! Don't be a talker - do it! You don't have to go into debt to make movies. Write according to resources.