how can i learn 35mm camera use without school?

the ones that the pros use. it seems like it would be complicated but i also feel that if i just buy one and use it i will learn.
If you want to learn to shoot on film, why not start out with a Super 8mm camera or 16mm or Super 16mm. All will be cheaper that 35mm and its aa similar process. You will be able to shoot(practice) a lot more. IMO
Panavision only rents. An old Arri like the IIB can be had for $3,000.

We aren't talking a $250 camera purchase here and it doesn't make
much sense to buy a 35mm camera just to learn with, but for some
people (like a DP) owning a 35mm camera isn't out of the question.
If you want to learn the principals of film then there are a few old russian 16mm cameras on ebay. They are normally very loud and make sound a bitch and the quality ofen isn't great but for learning the pure principals then they can be picked up pretty cheap, about $120 i think for something like a Krasnogorsk-3. Bolex make some better 16mm cameras but you will be looking at a couple of grand probably. You get what you pay for.

The other option is school and university media/ film departments. A lot of them have old (pretty decent) 16mm cameras kicking around that never get used anymore. Worth asking.
I own two film cameras an Eclair NPR and a K3 both 16mm (U16 Converts). It's a real kick shooting film and I prefer the look. But there is a difference between knowing how to use a film camera and knowing how to expose film or proper exposure regardless of what kind of camera you are using film or digital.

The most important thing I learned from shooting film is shooting with a "Full Manual Exposure Head". Watch the light, use a hand held meter, set the camera, shoot.

The beauty of any digital camera that can be set to full manual is you can practice your exposure, framing etc... skills with no film costs.

Any DSLR with a 1.5 or so crop factor will give you almost the same focal length as a normal 35mm motion picture film camera. The mistake many make is thinking a full frame 35mm DSLR such a Canon 5dmkII is the same as a normal 35mm motion picture camera it is not. The 5D is a Vistavision frame, much larger frame.