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Horrors of War screenings in 5 cities!

mrde50 said:
This morning, I visited news.google.com and there was the headline "Independent Film ‘Horrors of War’ to Debut"

That kicks arse.

vegasindiestv said:
Boo thats awesome i can't wait until it comes to Vegas or where I can see it.

There's an unofficial screening in Las Vegas on Saturday May 27th at the "INDIE MEET" with Mike Conway. Look into it...
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There's only a few chances left to catch HORRORS OF WAR on the big screen. I will be attending each show to do a Q&A afterwards on how we achieved the FX, scale, and period aspects of the film. Hope to meet some people at the shows.

Horrors of War is a fun "B" movie with horror-action-sci fi. see more here: www.horrorsofwarmovie.com

- Peter John Ross


HORRORS OF WAR to screen in SEATTLE on THURSDAY May 18th at 7:PM

4329 University Way N.E.
Seattle, WA 98105
(206) 781-5755

$9.25 per ticket



HORRORS OF WAR to screen in SAN FRANCISCO on TUESDAY May 23rd at 7:PM
1572 California Street at Polk
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 267-4893

$9.75 per ticket



HORRORS OF WAR to screen in LA on THURSDAY May 25th at 7:PM

Westside Pavilion Cinemas
10800 Pico Boulevard at Overland Avenue
West Los Angeles, CA 90064
(310) 281-8223

$9.50 per ticket


Horrors of War screening in NEW YORK on Monday June 5th, 2006 at 7:00 PM

The Two Boots Pioneer Theater is located at:
East 3rd Street between Avenues A and B
(closer to A)
New York, New York * USA
(212) 591-0434

$9 per ticket


CLICK HERE to buy advance tickets for the New York sneak preview of HORRORS OF WAR!



to screen in DAYTON on THURSDAY June 1st at 7:PM

130 East Fifth Street, Dayton, OH 45402
Office Phone: (937) 222-8452 • For Showtimes: (937) 222-7469

$5 per ticket

CLICK HERE to for Info on NEON theatre


See all the screenings in the U.S. here:

Horrors of War WON THE AUDIENCE AWARD at The Rebel International Film Festival in Chattenooga, TN


Horrors of War will play as a part of the film festival portion ofCONTEXT SCI FI CONVENTION in Columbus, OH on Saturday October 7th at 6:PM


Horrors of War will play as a part of the film festival SHRIEKFEST in LA, CA in October.


Horrors of War will play as a part of the Sansevieria film festival in Toledo, Ohio in October.


So a few more chances to see the DIRECTORS' CUT before the regular version of the film hits DVD later this year.
Have any top dogs asked you THE question? (So.. what's next and can we do lunch?)

No. I'm still pretty much an unknown outside of the indies.

I am working on my next feature right now. I'm going solo this time (no co-director) and I'm working on script revisions before committing to shooting dates.

I'm doing a dark comedy.
I am now salivating. Well, you're an indie star, so it won't be a huge leap before you get the moguls cramming cash and A-listers down your throat.

Horror of War has won a the CHRIS AWARD from the Columbus International film Festival in Columbus, OH and will play at the festival this November. "The Chris Statuette" is the highest award given to film or video productions. Entries are judged on a seven point rating system. A superior rating of seven is required for winning the “Chris”. Productions are competitively evaluated against other productions in their division and category as well as on the merits stated above. Chris winners are widely recognized as receiving the hallmark of superior quality.