Hollywood let me vent my anger!!!

Guys and girls I'm sick of all these re-makes! When is it going to end?

Late last year i heard a rumor that Will Smith is looking to produce a remake of the original Karate Kid starring his son. This makes me sick i don't care what anyone says the Karate Kid was a classic movie and i grew up watching it everyday until my older sister decided to hide the VHS tape from me.

I just heard the rumor surface again. Why would anyone want to re-make such a classic? You could never replace Machio's swagger and Miagee's wise old owl-ness.

Excuse me while i go throw up.
don't get mad! just enjoy life. just sigh and roll your eyes and move on to something else.

and ya know, there are only a few story ideals they say, so whether its remakes or similiarities, we use recurring themes in our story telling anyway.

EXCEPT ME! i just all original non story ideals! just kidding...
Guys and girls I'm sick of all these re-makes! When is it going to end?
It will end when people do not pay to see the movie.

"The Day the Earth Stood Still" ? Seriously? Why would anyone want to rmake
such a classic? And directed by the guy who wrote the remake of "The Birds"?
Seriously? Why would anyone want to rmake such a classic?

The answer is - because people will pay to see these remakes.

Let me ask you a serious question as you are throwing up: have you ever
paid to see a remake? Have you ever rented a remake?
Haha yeah i have paid to see remakes but nothing as recent as the karate kid. Which is why it frustrates me a little bit .... i guess time is catching up. I wont even pretend to take a stand... I will pay to see the karate kid remake. I know its all about $$$ but as an artist I get a little stirred up that someone would touch a Timeless movie and not create something new.

That being said this is a new emotion for me because with movies like Peter Jackson's King Kong i had not seen the originals first so it didn't really bother me. Now that i have a movie i loved as a kid being re-made i feel the frustration that dinosaurs like Rik ;) have been feeling for years.
That being said this is a new emotion for me because with movies like Peter Jackson's King Kong i had not seen the originals first so it didn't really bother me. Now that i have a movie i loved as a kid being re-made i feel the frustration that dinosaurs like Rik ;) have been feeling for years.

Ain't it the truth.

For the last ten years you whippersnappers haven't had a problem with
remakes because Hollywood was remaking movies you all wouldn't go
see anyway.

"Sabrina"? Why see some old black and white relic with dead people.
"Born Yesterday"? Never heard of it. Besides Melanie Griffith is hot.
"You've Got Mail"? I didn't even know that was a remake.
"King Kong"? Sure I've heard of it, but old special effects are so... old,
and the new one is by Peter Jackson and has more dinosaurs!

Now Hollywood is going after the films YOU grew up with and love. Kids
ten years younger than you can't imagine watching the original Karate
Kid and when the remake comes out they won't even know what they're
missing because they have never seen the original.

I'm really not old enough to have seen Kong or Sabrina in the theaters - really...

For me it's the classic horror films of the 1980's. Even the THOUGHT of
remaking "Halloween" or "The Hills Have Eyes" or "Dawn of the Dead"
or "Nightmare on Elm Street" pisses me off. Yet it happens and you
youngsters pay to see them.

:shaking fist: Damn you all!
Haha Knightly -

I see where you are coming from... They are both GREAT underdog stories with an Italian American in the lead, both have some kick ass montages and both revolve around a type of person to person combat but when it comes down to the details you could hardly call the Karate Kid a Teen Rocky. The Karate Kid focuses more on the friendship of Daniel and his Master and Rocky focuses more on the romance of Rock and ADRIAAAN. Now I'm not saying the two aren't somewhat similar I'm just stating I don't think I would go as far to say Karate Kid was a movie that completely ripped off Rocky and targeted a teen audience.

I'm fully aware that hollywood is about making money. I asked why would they want to remake a classic knowing exactly why. I meant as Directors and Actors why would you want to (Artistically speaking) remake a movie that is timeless to this day. Will Smith has the freedom to do whatever he wants and i love him as an actor back in the day I even liked him as a rapper........... but Will please leave the Karate Kid alone!!!
Well considering the Director of Rocky and Karate Kid is one and the same (John G. Avildsen), I'd say the similarities are pretty clear, while it wouldn't "technically" be a remake.

It looks like the guy hit it big with Rocky, but the next 10 years has only a few projects, one of which being about some teacher who dates a student in a strip club called "Heaven"... so I guess he figured a return to form(ula) would fix his career... and it did, wahoo.

2 Karate Kid sequels later he did Rocky V in 90.... hmmm...

But sequels are a different story altogether- if a character has more life in him/her than in the movie, sure, throw a sequel up there.

Remakes, it depends. I don't mind remakes when they're GOOD. I mean, technically if anyone makes a book into a film, they are REMAKING the story. Hell, if you turn a SCREENPLAY into a movie, you're REMAKING it.

If you gave the exact same script to 10 different directors, chances are you'll get 10 completely different projects... don't' believe me? Check out last years IndieTalk Script to Screen Challenge... Nick and I made a script that was made by 3 different groups, and it's amazing to see where everybody differed on what points, etc.... the only thing separating those 3 movies from becoming labeled "remakes" is that they were made at the same time.

So really, a remake should be either called "an update" or a "reinterpretation". If it's an update, obviously someone thought "hey, i love this story, but it doesn't really apply to modern society" and then they go and 'remake' the story to tell it with modern devices to a modern audience. If it's a reinterpretation, it's someone out there going "holy moly that story really inspires me, but man, if I had done it, I would have done this, that, this, that and thus" and then doing it.

So I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but if the original turns out "worse" than the original, it's really up to the perspective of the eye of the beholder. I never saw the 1960's movie of the "Andromeda Strain", but I have seen the recent TV movie and I can tell you, it's alright until it falls apart in the last 10 minutes of the film... but if I had seen the original, I probably would have hated it at the 20 minute mark.

Either way, I think the motive of "why" something is remade is important. If it's for money, then PAH, I could care less... but Will Smith remaking the karate kid with his son seems like a more noble reason than money, so whatever...
I tend to take remakes on a film-to-film basis. If it actually looks interesting, has a decent cast and crew behind it, or just has some quality about it that's drawing my interest, I'll be willing to give it a shot.

More often than not, I walk away still prefering the original, but I've been surprised here and there.
I have fond memories of 70's and 80's movies because that's when I was most influenced by them. The original Karate Kid was among them. I am also getting tired of remakes, but then I'm not the target audience now that I am 40+. I don't mind "inspired by" films, but just a straight remake with practically the same script, just different faces, I don't care for. I'll wait for those to come out on cable. I'll still watch them, but I am not likely to spend the money to watch them in the theater.

The remake of Night of the Living Dead was just tragic. They should have left that one alone.
...I kinda went off subject....(heehee!)

I've been saying this for a long time. Why remake a classic?

Frankly, to me it almost seems like laziness on the part of those making these films. Why should I get a writer or give an untried idea a chance? This story is already written. Pardon me while I snore.

We are in a day and age where we can talk about almost anything. I think it is silly to not be able to come up with an original idea.

Oh, well. I guess its up to a rag-tag group of vigilante independent filmmakers to save the day...pardon my cape....
(cue the 'superman' fanfare...)

-- spinner :cool:
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I've got no problems with remakes if the idea is to make the movie in a different way. Ya know trying to add your own twist to an old story.... but when its the same shit just preformed by bigger names.... i grow skeptical.
While I'm no big fan of modern day remakes, I look at it like a last-ditch desperation of the Hollywood-of-old to make some bucks off a once popular idea.

It's sad that Hollywood in general still doesn't get it. The future is fresh blood. The indies. They honestly are so afraid of losing everything that they have that they feel as if they have no choice but to keep resurrecting everything that once worked, paying to attention to the actual time line that it originally affected.

Sure, something worked once. but is it still viable in this generation? They really don't give a care. Disney's been doing it for multiple generations and seems like the only studio that can get away with it. Just because they can doesn't mean that everyone else can do it.

How many remakes of "Freaky Friday" has Disney done? 37?!

My answer to that is to steal a line from Clerks. "In a row?"

Those who know the film will get the joke. :D
How many remakes of "Freaky Friday" has Disney done? 37?!

My answer to that is to steal a line from Clerks. "In a row?"

Those who know the film will get the joke. :D

37?! Really???
....and they just keep coming, huh? I'm telling you, laziness.....

"...in a row?...

-- spinner :cool: