Hobby or Career?


I'm a senior in high school, and am very interested in writing, directing, filming, and editing. The whole deal. I'm going to attend a liberal arts college in Arkansas, where, as you can imagine, no strong cinematography/film majors can be received.

I've actually never had any "formal" education in video, but I've always been in love with it. So here's my question: Would it be worth trying to get some sort of job, or even start a business, in Little Rock, AR (pop. 200,000)?

I'm not a fan of big cities, and would love to stay in Arkansas the rest of my life. There are some businesses here that deal with television (JM Associates, sells fishing shows to ESPN) and other small video projects.

I'm interested in business and markets, so there could be some sort of chance that I could start a business out of college...but would keeping it as a hobby be better? I would enjoy either a normal business job, a cinematography job, or a combination of both. But would it be better for me, living in AR, to just create films on the weekends with my friends?

I'm 14 and have considered this so many times. I've still got a while to decide... I'm going to try and get a job in the film industry if I can, starting in VFX hopefully. It's shady at first I've heard. I'd probably just work as a freelancer to start with. If I got funding, I'd love to make a living out of features. But that's rare, but that is my dream. To basically make films all my life, and make a living off of it.

Easier said than done though :D

It all depends how serious you could see yourself taking it.
You guys are young, so take your time - educate yourselves, and decide what you want to do later. You should know two things:

1) Your major and your eventual career could turn out to be two very different things; and

2) You may change your career two or three times over your working life.
Your life is going to change, A LOT, over the coming decade. I am confident you will find the path best suited for you, but be prepared to often feel lost.

I can only answer your question with a vague generalization -- I feel like if you have to ask this question, in the first place, then the answer is career. :)
Thanks for the feedback! But here's another question: would my friends even want to act when we all get past the age of 30? You never really see any 60 year old dudes running around with a camera and some fake guns haha
Thanks for the feedback! But here's another question: would my friends even want to act when we all get past the age of 30? You never really see any 60 year old dudes running around with a camera and some fake guns haha

I don't know what you're talking about. I have a 60-year-old dude who loves acting in my movies. And I'm quite confident that if the role called for fake guns, he'd be all about it.

But that's beside the point. Find your path, you'll be fine, and career! :D
Thanks for the feedback! But here's another question: would my friends even want to act when we all get past the age of 30? You never really see any 60 year old dudes running around with a camera and some fake guns haha
By thirty you will have rotated through three sets of friends.

No, you see sixty year old dudes filming twenty and thirty year old dudes running around or driving around or screwing around. :yes:
But still using fake guns. :D