Hi! I'm new here.

Zensteve said:
How does this Creative Commons License protect your work, if at all?

It allows me to control copyright instead of the Government controlling it.

In the by-nd licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/ I fully control the distribution for personal and commercial use.

Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

You can, of course, modify any aspect of this licence the way you want it. I've chosen this licence because I want my productions to be legally seen by the largest possible audience without the fear of alteration. Take a look at http://creativecommons.org and play around with their licence generator to see what works for you.
:welcome: :tongue:
You will find solace and inner happiness here.
You will also find megalomaniacs- ignore them, they feed on your attention. :P

Ahoy there my young friend! i am relatively new too. stay, you'll meet love and loss amidst these electrons passed between busy tapping hands.
pass it on!
I am new to film directing and have only been here for about 4 days now. Already I have learned what kind of editing system would work well for me and my camera and diffrent tips about light, sound, and picture quality. Everyone here is willing to help.
