Yes, getting familiar with my surroundings. There seem to be many great, knowledgeable people on here. My main purpose for joining was to, hopefully, find someone interested in collaborating on a screenplay - talking film ideas first, then see where that leads. Have a lot of story ideas, many need (a lot of) fleshing out, just need to find the motivation to do so, or someone to kick me in the ass, lol. If you know anyone who might be interested, let me know, or point them in my direction. Thanks!Welcome! its a good community here with active members
Finding a writing partner is tough.. Both of you have to really respect each others talent and writing, and that generally only happens after you've put in so much time and work that you no longer need a writing partner.Yes, getting familiar with my surroundings. There seem to be many great, knowledgeable people on here. My main purpose for joining was to, hopefully, find someone interested in collaborating on a screenplay - talking film ideas first, then see where that leads. Have a lot of story ideas, many need (a lot of) fleshing out, just need to find the motivation to do so, or someone to kick me in the ass, lol. If you know anyone who might be interested, let me know, or point them in my direction. Thanks!
Oh, I understand what you mean, and I appreciate the reply/advice. I'm more or less looking for ways to get my creative juices flowing, and I've always found that being around other creative people, discussing ideas, etc, gets me going. So whether that's someone to collaborate with, or just people willing to discuss ideas, I'm open to anything. May take up your advice and start a thread, see where that leads. Thanks!Finding a writing partner is tough.. Both of you have to really respect each others talent and writing, and that generally only happens after you've put in so much time and work that you no longer need a writing partner.
People get very wrapped up in their own projects too. I'm writing a novel, its my primary focus right now and I miss making short films... if I took on an extra project it wouldn't be more writing, I'd make another short. james is writing a novel, nate wrote a novel earlier this year and works all day on his animations and workflow, UnknownScreenwriter is a professional writer thats writing multiple novels right now, Mara is a professional writer that has multiple movies produced and offers a script dr service.
It's much easier to take a less formal approach, start a thread discussing ideass and have everyone chime in. or post a 5-10 page screenplay and people will respond with their thoughts. That's the first step no matter what your goal is - putting yourself and your ideas out to there to be seen.